Timeline 2020: Week 23

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Sunday, 31 May

More than 50 million people across the US could go hungry without help from food banks or other aid (Feeding America).

Wednesday, 3 June

The Lancet acknowledges that a recently published paper might be a fake, while the New England Journal of Medicine publishes a paper about hydroxychloroquine. Find the narrative of this exciting day in the COVID Reference Press Room, June 3.

In the hope of saving its tourist industry, Italy reopens its borders.  The Guardian asks: What Will It Take to Reopen the World to Travel?

Tuesday, 4 June

The Lancet makes one of the biggest retractions in modern history (The Guardian).

Le Monde publishes an excellent summary of cross-immunity (see the article in French).

Friday, 5 June

The chief investigators of the RECOVERY trial report that there is no clinical benefit from use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

Saturday, 6 June

The Guardian reports that nearly 600 US health workers have died of COVID-19.