Press Room: June 6

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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann

6 June

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The Guardian

6 June. Nearly 600 US health workers died of Covid-19 – and the toll is rising – By , and  | The Guardian and KHN release new figures showing the harsh toll that the pandemic is taking on the frontline health workers.


6 June. We can’t be 100% sure face masks work – but that shouldn’t stop us wearing them – By Trish Greenhalgh | Despite disagreement among scientists, we will soon have to wear cloth face coverings on public transport. The policy could be extended to places such as shops where social distancing is difficult.


6 June. Contact-tracing and peer pressure: how Japan has controlled coronavirus – By Tomoya Saito | “It is safe to say that the measures taken by Japan during the Covid-19 pandemic have so far delivered relative success. At the time of writing, we have seen 903 deaths, which makes the mortality rate 0.72 per 100,000 people. This is one-eightieth that of the UK (60.14) and is lower than any other G7 country.”


5 June. The first wave of Covid-19 is not over – but how might a second look? – By Michael Safi | Restaurants are opening, parks are full and people are getting back to work: parts of Europe, Asia and much of the Middle East are enjoying the benefits of flattened coronavirus curves. Meanwhile, parts of the US, India and Latin America are still recording thousands of new cases every day. The first wave of the coronavirus is not over.


Die Zeit

6 Juni. Die Menschen, die an Covid-19 starben. | Über die Corona-Opfer wird viel gesprochen. Wie stark steigen die Zahlen, wie viele sind es heute in Hamburg, in New York? Die Menschen, die eine Covid-19-Erkrankung nicht überlebt haben, bleiben unsichtbar. Das Dossier der ZEIT hat sich in Deutschland auf die Suche gemacht: nach Angehörigen, Freunden, Wegbegleiterinnen der Menschen, die mit einer Corona-Infektion starben. Im Gespräch mit der Moderatorin Sarah Schaschek erzählt die Leiterin des Dossiers, Tanja Stelzer, davon, wie sie gemeinsam mit einem Autoren-Team diese Geschichten »über das Leben« recherchiert hat.

6 Juni. Abschied in Corona-Zeiten: Das letzte Foto – Von Claudia Wüstenhagen | Ein Corona-Patient stirbt allein, seine Lieben sahen ihn zuletzt im Krankenwagen. Pflegerinnen und Seelsorger erzählen, wie sie trotz Besuchsverbots beim Abschied helfen.



6 de junho. Brasil deixa de divulgar total de mortes e de casos de covid-19 – De Clara Barata | XYZ diz não querer alimentar histórias na imprensa, e ataca a rede Globo. Até o site do Ministério da Saúde que tinha estatísticas da pandemia foi retirado da Internet.



4 giugno. Video. Coronavirus, l’esame più grande: gli specializzandi che hanno scelto di lavorare nei reparti coviddi Cecilia Greco e Antonio Nasso; riprese e montaggio Maurizio Stanzione e Francis D’Costa | La paura di non farcela, i turni infiniti, la stanchezza e la solitudine a fine giornata. Ma anche la gioia per una guarigione inaspettata e la consapevolezza di aver dato il massimo per cercare di salvare più vite possibili.