
Azithromycin as a macrolide antibiotic has probably no effect against SARS-CoV-2 (see the many studies above, testing it in combination with HCQ). In a large RCT conducted at 57 centers in Brazil, 214 patients who needed oxygen supplementation of more than 4 L/min flow, high-flow nasal cannula, or mechanical ventilation (non-invasive or invasive) were assigned to the azithromycin group and 183 to the control group. Azithromycin had no effect (Furtado 2020).

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AcalabrutinibAzithromycinCamostatChloroquineColchicineConvalescent plasmaCorticosteroidsCytokine blockersFamotidineFavipiravirG-CSFHuman recombinant soluble ACE2HydroxychloroquineIbrutinibIloprostInterferonsJAK inhibitorsLeflunomideLopinavirMonoclonal antibodiesN-acetylcysteineOseltamivirProtease inhibitorsRdRp inhibitorsREGN-COV2Umifenovir

Outlook | References

By Christian Hoffmann