30 June
N Engl J Med
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in U.S. Children and Adolescents | Understanding the epidemiology and clinical course of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) and its temporal association with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is important, given the clinical and public health implications of the syndrome. – By Feldstein LR et al.
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children in New York State | A multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is associated with coronavirus disease 2019. The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) established active, statewide surveillance to describe hospitalized patients with the syndrome. – By Dufort EM et al.
Childhood Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome — A New Challenge in the Pandemic – By Michael Levin
The line is forming for a COVID-19 vaccine. Who should be at the front? | U.S. and World Health Organization are already debating how to prioritize the initial distribution of a coveted vaccine – By Jon Cohen
The New York Times
How Texas Swaggered Into a Coronavirus Disaster | The state wanted to be among the first to reopen. It’s now dealing with the consequences. – By Mimi Swartz
Washington Post
This coronavirus mutation has taken over the world. Scientists are trying to understand why. | About 1,300 amino acids serve as building blocks for a protein on the surface of the virus. In the mutant virus, the genetic instructions for just one of those amino acids — number 614 — switched in the new variant from a “D” (shorthand for aspartic acid) to a “G” (short for glycine). – By Sarah Kaplan and Joel Achenbach
Young people urged to take virus more seriously as pandemic worsens in U.S. | Health officials are imploring young people to wear masks and practice social distancing as coronavirus transmission among younger Americans continues to drive record outbreaks in several states. – By Annie Gowen, Arelis R. Hernández and Lori Rozsa
Los Angeles Times
California’s slide from coronavirus success to danger zone began Memorial Day | Wearing personal protective equipment, registered nurse April Bandi cares for a patient in a special negative pressure isolation room at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego on April 10. By By Rong-Gong Lin II, Iris Lee, Sean Greene, Soumya Karlamangla
El País
Las empresas del alquiler de coches prevén perder el 80% de su facturación | Las reservas se desploman y las compañías persiguen ayudas del Estado tras la caída de Hertz en Estados Unidos – De Dani Cordero
La farmacéutica Gilead fija en unos 2.000 euros la primera terapia aprobada para la covid-19 | La compañía impone un precio de unos 347 euros la dosis de remdesivir, el primer fármaco aprobado para tratar casos graves – De Jessica Mouzo
La UE acuerda abrir las fronteras a 15 países y mantiene el veto a EE UU, Brasil, Rusia o México | El 1 de julio empezará la autorización de entrada de los países elegidos. La reapertura deja fuera a 150 estados – De Bernardo de Miguel
China aprueba una vacuna experimental contra la covid para su uso militar | El prototipo, basado en un virus del resfriado, es uno de los más avanzados del mundo – De Manuel Ansede
Le Monde
Au Kenya, le désastre du tourisme en temps du coronavirus | Frontières fermées, lodges vides, faune moins protégée : ce secteur clé de l’économie du pays est à l’arrêt depuis mars. – Par Marion Douet
Coronavirus : les frontières de l’Algérie vont rester fermées | Face à une recrudescence des cas de contamination, le pays ne sera accessible qu’à la fin de la pandémie de Covid-19. Il est interdit depuis le 19 mars.
Diffusion plus lente, mortalité bien plus faible, en Afrique, le coronavirus joue une partition singulière | La jeunesse de la population, les modes de vie et le faible taux de pathologies aggravantes devraient protéger le continent d’une montée en flèche de la pandémie. – Par Maryline Baumard
Diário de Notícias
Cidade inglesa de Leicester em confinamento local para combater surto | Lojas de bens não essenciais devem fechar a partir de hoje em Leicester, no norte de Inglaterra, onde o governo britânico decretou um confinamento local devido ao número elevado de casos de infeção com a covid-19.
1 July
Schlieren and shadowgraph imaging of human exhaled airflows: Talking
N Engl J Med
Ann Intern Med
Just 50% of Americans plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s how to win over the rest | Within days of the first confirmed novel coronavirus case in the United States on 20 January, antivaccine activists were already hinting on Twitter that the virus was a scam—part of a plot to profit from an eventual vaccine.
The Guardian
Revealed: Covid-19 outbreaks at meat-processing plants in US being kept quiet | Testing has found positive cases at North Carolina facilities, but officials refuse to release the information – By Lewis Kendall
US buys up world stock of key Covid-19 drug remdesivir | No other country will be able to buy remdesivir, which can help recovery from Covid-19, for next three months at least – By Sarah Boseley
The New York Times
Fighting Over Masks in Public Is the New American Pastime | In states like California, Texas and Florida, many essential workers have been given an additional task: conflict resolution. – By Jonah Engel Bromwich
Most People With Coronavirus Won’t Spread It. Why Do a Few Infect Many? | Growing evidence shows most infected people aren’t spreading the virus. But whether you become a superspreader probably depends more on circumstance than biology. – By Carl Zimmer
A Virus Walks Into a Bar … | As communities open up, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the indoor bar scene is uniquely suited to transmission of Covid-19. – By Tara Parker-Pope
The Washington Post
Fauci worries U.S. covid-19 cases could climb to 100,000 daily | Anthony S. Fauci, the government’s top infectious-disease specialist, warned Tuesday that the United States could soon have 100,000 new coronavirus cases a day “if this does not turn around” — a surge that would be more than twice as many as the record so far and three times as many as the original peak this spring. – By Amy Goldstein
National mask mandate could save 5 percent of GDP, economists say | The requirement could protect the public while avoiding some of the pain of an economic shutdown, Goldman Sachs research finds – Christopher Ingraham
Die Zeit
Australia confina a 300.000 personas en Melbourne por un brote de covid | Las autoridades limitan los movimientos de personas durante un mes en 30 barrios de la segunda ciudad más poblada del país
Le Monde
Au Royaume-Uni, l’immobilier commercial dans une « tempête parfaite » | Le groupe Intu, qui possède 15 centres commerciaux dans le pays, a déposé le bilan vendredi 26 juin. – Par Eric Albert
La mise au pas de Hongkong, défi au monde occidental | Éditorial | La Chine, en pleine crise sanitaire, impose sa répressive loi « sur la sécurité nationale » et prend un chemin inquiétant.
Diário de Notícias
Será o reconfinamento local a nova ordem mundial na luta à covid-19? | Enquanto uns já se preocupam com a segunda vaga, como a China e a Europa Ocidental, outros tentam regressar à normalidade num cenário de incerteza, como Espanha e Portugal, que deram um passo atrás em algumas regiões. Cidade inglesa de Leicester voltou a fechar após novo surto – De Isaura Almeida
Goldman Sachs diz que máscaras podem salvar a economia | Ao reduzir a taxa de infeção, as máscaras podem reduzir a hipótese de um novo confinamento e poupar um corte de 5% no PIB dos EUA, alegam.
2 July
N Engl J Med
Four Decades of HIV/AIDS — Much Accomplished, Much to Do | The dramatic saga of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) features an early sense of helplessness and frustration in the face of a mysterious new disease, courage on the part of the afflicted, and the gradual accrual of groundbreaking scientific advances that have brought hope to a formerly desperate situation. – By Anthony S. Fauci and H. Clifford Lane.
Accelerating Development of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines — The Role for Controlled Human Infection Models | The third coronavirus outbreak in the past 20 years, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused unprecedented morbidity, mortality, and economic disruption. Safe, effective, and deployable SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are urgently needed to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic and protect from future outbreaks. – By Deming ME et al.
A 62-Year-Old Woman with Early Breast Cancer during the Covid-19 Pandemic | A 62-year-old woman was evaluated at this hospital after she had identified a mass in her left breast, confirmed by her physician on physical examination, during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). – By Spring LM et al.
Early lessons from a second COVID-19 lockdown in Leicester, UK | As the number of new cases of COVID-19 continues to decline in the UK, national lockdown measures are being cautiously relaxed. – By Nazareth J et al.
Ann Intern Med
The Guardian
‘It’s very troubling’: alarm grows over Covid-19 spike among young Americans | Doctors are seeing more and more young patients – and health experts are urging young people to take the virus seriously – By Miranda Bryant
The New York Times
Refusing to Wear a Mask Is Like Driving Drunk | Republicans talk a good game about “personal responsibility.” It’s time for President Trump’s supporters to actually display some. – By Nicholas Kristof
Der Spiegel
El País
Le Monde
L’épidémie de coronavirus s’accélère aux Etats-Unis, avec plus de 50 000 nouveaux cas en 24 heures | Le week-end du 4 juillet, jour de la fête nationale, s’annonce comme un test tout particulier pour le pays, où de nombreux Etats appliquent de nouveau des restrictions.
mantém-se em funcionamento. – De Fábrica Gencoal,
3 July
Emergence of Kawasaki disease related to SARS-CoV-2 infection in an epicentre of the French COVID-19 epidemic: a time-series analysis | Kawasaki disease is an acute febrile systemic childhood vasculitis, which is suspected to be triggered by respiratory viral infections. We aimed to examine whether the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is associated with an increase in the incidence of Kawasaki disease. – By Ouldali L et al.
Ann Intern Med
How to Safely Reopen Colleges and Universities During COVID-19: Experiences From Taiwan | Reopening colleges and universities during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic poses a special challenge worldwide. Taiwan is one of the few countries where schools are functioning normally. – From Cheng SY et al.
Coronapod: The state of the pandemic, six months in | Podcast, 32:05 | Lockdowns are lifting but global infections are still rising. We take stock as we enter the next chapter of the outbreak. By Noah Baker, Amy Maxmen & Benjamin Thompson
One U.K. trial is transforming COVID-19 treatment. Why haven’t others delivered more results? | A World Health Organization–led global trial of treatments for COVID-19 was slow to enroll coronavirus-infected people, like this one in a Spanish intensive care unit, whereas a large trial in the United Kingdom quickly produced results for three treatments. – By Kai Kupferschmidt
The global AIDS meeting, the Woodstock of science gatherings, goes virtual amid COVID-19 | The International AIDS Conference gathers scientists, health workers, celebrities, and activists. Can that eclectic mix now come together online? – Jon Cohen
The Guardian
LA’s Covid-19 ‘explosion’: overwhelmed hospitals, struggling workers, shuttered restaurants | The county has brought back restrictions, compounding challenges for the region’s most vulnerable residents – Sam Levin in Los Angeles
The Guardian view on protecting the public: cover your face | Scotland is right to mandate masks or similar coverings in shops. Wearing them can save lives
Fourth of July celebrations increase risk of ‘superspreader’ events, experts warn | Officials prevent municipal gatherings in effort to slow spread | Experts urge Americans at barbecues to follow health guidelines – By Adam Gabbatt in New
Ocean swimming has been my greatest discovery of the coronavirus pandemic | Getting into the ocean every morning has been a reminder of what a tiny speck I am on this planet – By Alison Rourke
Forget any false sense of security: we are still at the start of the global pandemic | Until every country is protected, we are all at risk. Only effective vaccines and treatments will allow us to eradicate coronavirus – Jeremy Farrar
I am a paramedic working for NHS test and trace but I’ve yet to make a single call | I am being paid to sit and refresh my computer screen every 15 minutes. The ‘world-beating’ system is a shambles – As told to Sarah Johnson
Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 dice are loaded against our struggling towns | The pandemic is about to get even more socially divisive, with people in the least economically resilient areas at most risk – Gaby Hinsliff
The New York Times
Seriously, Just Wear Your Mask | This is not complicated, folks. – By Jesse Wegman
Florida, America’s Pandemic Playground | Need a venue for a large indoor gathering — a national political convention, say? The state’s got you covered. – By Michelle Cottle
Trump’s Virus Is Spreading, and His Economy Is Stalling | The president leads a transition to sickness. – By Paul Krugman
For This Fourth of July, Officials Say Celebrate Freedom by Staying Home | As the nation staggers toward a holiday weekend during the coronavirus pandemic, health officials are pleading with residents to not make a bad situation worse. – By Richard Fausset, Mitch Smith and Sabrina Tavernise
Die Zeit
EU erteilt bedingte Zulassung für Remdesivir | Schwer erkrankte Covid-19-Patienten sollen in der EU mit dem Wirkstoff behandelt werden können – unter bestimmten Auflagen. Deutschland hat bereits Vorräte angelegt.
Die Unfähigkeit der autoritären Männer | Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Wladimir Putin: Sie erscheinen in der Krise handlungsunfähig. Killt das Virus den Rechtspopulismus? Nein. Aber es zeigt dessen Schwächen. – Von Michael Thumann
US-Studenten stecken sich offenbar absichtlich mit Coronavirus an | In Alabama haben Studenten Partys organisiert, zu denen sie angeblich positiv getestete Personen einluden. Es sei darum gegangen, wer das Virus zuerst bekomme.
Der Spiegel
“Wir werden nichts schließen” | In den Südstaaten der USA steigen die Corona-Zahlen in bedrohlicher Geschwindigkeit. Doch vor allem Florida weigert sich, die Auflagen wieder zu verschärfen. Düstere Eindrücke aus dem “Sunshine State”. – Von Marc Pitzke
Texas ordnet Maskenpflicht an | Kehrtwende um 180 Grad: Der republikanische Gouverneur von Texas reagiert auf die rasant steigenden Infektionszahlen. Nun will er doch eine Maskenpflicht in seinem Bundesstaat einführen.
Amerikas zweite Welle | Noch nie haben die Gesundheitsbehörden der Vereinigten Staaten seit Ausbruch der Pandemie so viele Neuansteckungen gemeldet. Modellstudien sagen düstere Prognosen für die nächsten Monate vorher.
Amerikaner bereut öffentlich Partybesuch – und stirbt einen Tag später | Nach monatelanger Isolation will ein Mann aus Florida mit Freunden grillen. Dort infiziert er sich mit dem Coronavirus. Einen Tag, bevor er stirbt setzt er noch einen reumütigen Post bei Facebook ab.
Blick nach vorn | Das Virus hat das Leben überall auf der Welt verändert, in jedem Land ein bisschen anders, aber die Bedrohung war global. Wir haben Fotografen aus zwölf Ländern um ein Bild gebeten, das am besten ausdrückt, wie sie jetzt nach vorne schauen. – Von Nikita Teryoshin, Deutschland
El País
La gravedad de los casos de coronavirus desciende por la juventud de los que se contagian | El porcentaje de hospitalizados baja al 8% cuando hace dos meses era casi del 25% y la edad media, antes de 60, ronda ahora los 50 años – De Elena G. Sevillano
Le Monde
En 2018, les fermetures de lit en hôpital se sont poursuivies avec près 4 200 lits supprimés | Le nombre de maternités est passé sous le seuil des 500. Le rapport de la Drees illustre aussi le « virage ambulatoire » des soins hospitaliers, avec une hausse des hospitalisations partielles.
Coronavirus : l’Afrique joue la prudence sur la réouverture de ses frontières | La pandémie n’a pas encore atteint son pic sur le continent. Chacun des pays, très diversement touchés par le Covid-19, édicte ses propres règles. – Par Sandrine Berthaud-Clair
Diário de Notícias
Número significativo da população com imunidade natural ao vírus? | Investigador de Oxford diz que células T podem ser as responsáveis por bloquear os vírus em pessoas assintomáticas, reforçando a teoria de que a imunidade de grupo pode já ser nesta altura maior do que se pensa
Quase 40% dos restaurantes tenciona avançar para insolvência | “Esmagadora maioria refere que não irá conseguir suportar os encargos habituais, como pessoal, energia, fornecedores e outros, a partir do mês de julho”, diz associação do setor.
Itália admite segunda vaga e defende restrições a viagens | Itália abriu na terça-feira fronteiras aos viajantes de países que não integram o espaço europeu de livre circulação Schengen, mas com restrições.
4 July
Exaggerated risk of transmission of COVID-19 by fomites | A clinically significant risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission by fomites (inanimate surfaces or objects) has been assumed on the basis of studies that have little resemblance to real-life scenarios. – By Emanuel Goldman
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 with SARS-CoV and influenza pandemics | The objective of this Personal View is to compare transmissibility, hospitalisation, and mortality rates for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) with those of other epidemic coronaviruses, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and pandemic influenza viruses. – By Petersen et al.
After COVID-19, a future for the world’s children? | The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating many of these threats, jeopardising child welfare gains, and causing a global economic crisis in which children will be prime casualties. – The WHO–UNICEF– Lancet Commissioners
Six months of coronavirus: the mysteries scientists are still racing to solve | From immunity to the role of genetics, Nature looks at five pressing questions about COVID-19 that researchers are tackling. – By Ewen Callaway, Heidi Ledford & Smriti Mallapaty
A guide to R — the pandemic’s misunderstood metric | What the reproduction number can and can’t tell us about managing COVID-19. – By David Adam
The Guardian
The Guardian view on reopened pubs: a reckless risk to a cautious nation | Editorial | The reopening of England’s pubs, restaurants, hotels, playgrounds and tourist attractions, and the reduction of the 2-metre distancing rule, presents a moment of great risk in the fight against Covid-19.
Amid the havoc wreaked by coronavirus, there is another danger we’ve forgotten | As Boris Johnson reopens pubs, a no-deal Brexit threatens to rain disaster on a country reeling from the pandemic – By Jonathan Freedland
India had one of the world’s strictest lockdowns. Why are cases still rising? | Unable to expand testing or hospital capacity, Narendra Modi’s administration has turned to bluster and brute force – By Rukmini S
Reel challenge: what will cinema look like after lockdown is relaxed? | Blockbusters such as Tenet and Mulan are slated for a summer release, but the future of film is shrouded in uncertainty – By Steve Rose
The nightmare that is 2020 is only halfway done. Are these the worst days of our lives? | So far we’ve had natural disasters and a global pandemic. No one dares to predict the next six months because who could have predicted the first? – By Brigid Delaney
The New York Times
How Safe Are Outdoor Gatherings? | With the virus raging in many parts of the country, new restrictions have left many wondering about the safety of a backyard barbecue or picnic. – By Tara Parker-Pope
Die Zeit
Sonderweg in die Selbstisolation | Schweden ist Risikogebiet, die Zahl der Corona-Fälle hoch, aus dem Ausland kommt Kritik. Die meisten Schweden bleiben aber entspannt und ziehen ins Sommerhaus. – Von Christian Stichler
Der Spiegel
Neue Corona-Variante offenbar ansteckender als ursprüngliches Virus | Eine Mutation von Sars-CoV-2 hat sich mittlerweile weltweit durchgesetzt – offenbar ist sie infektiöser als die ursprüngliche Variante aus China. Ob sie auch gefährlicher ist, ist unklar.
“Die Läden sind voll, und die Leute tragen keine Masken” | In Florida explodieren die Corona-Zahlen. Dale Holness, der Bürgermeister des Kreises Broward, zu dem Fort Lauderdale gehört, erklärt, woran das liegt – und was seine größte Sorge ist. – Ein Interview von Marc Pitzke
Wie Tischfußball – nur mit Menschen | Abstandsregeln und Fußball – kann das funktionieren? Ein paar ballverrückte Argentinier haben einen Weg gefunden, ihren geliebten Sport auch auf Distanz zu betreiben.
Aber bitte Abstand beim Reifenwechsel! | Kein Kontakt zu anderen Teams, selbst innerhalb der Boxencrews werden Mitarbeiter je nach Zuständigkeit voneinander isoliert – und dann fast jedes Wochenende ein Rennen: Auf die Formel 1 warten harte Wochen. – Von Karin Sturm
Ist eine zweite Corona-Infektion möglich? | Wer sich mit Corona infiziert, bildet neutralisierende Antikörper. Allerdings nicht alle Patienten gleich viele. Ob bei sehr milden Verläufen genügend Antikörper zirkulieren, die den Virus bei abermaliger Ansteckung abwehren, ist unklar. – Von Joachim Müller-Jung
„Um alles in der Welt einen zweiten Lockdown verhindern“ | Zum ersten Mal seit Wochen steigt die Zahl der Coronainfektionen in Österreich wieder in den dreistelligen Bereich. Die Regierung will einen zweiten Lockdown verhindern. Wie kann sie regionale Cluster eindämmen? – Von Stephan Löwenstein
Warum Corona keine Grippe ist – über die Folgen der Infektion | Podcast, 25 Minuten | Anstecken, ausheilen und fertig? Weit gefehlt. Für viele genesene Covid-19-Patienten ist der Weg zurück in den Alltag schwer und langwierig. Das Virus wütet oft in so vielen Organen, dass Folgeschäden zu befürchten sind. Eine Podcast-Episode über aktuelle Befunde aus der Klinik. – Von Joachim Müller-Jung und Sibylle Anderl
Zerreißprobe für die Buchmesse | Die Frankfurter Buchmesse soll im Oktober stattfinden. Was bedeutet der Plan für eine kombinierte Buch-Musik-Gaming-Messe in nächsten Jahr? Er könnte zur Folge haben, was die Corona-Krise nicht bewirkt: Die Auflösung des wichtigsten Buchereignisses der Welt. – Von Sandra Kegel
Traurige Abschiede ohne Party | In der Corona-Krise müssen Sportler ihre Trophäe vor leeren Tribünen hochrecken. Noch schlimmer sind die stillen Abschiede. Zum Glück ist das Karriereende stets nur der letzte Eindruck. Was zählt, ist etwas anderes. – Ein Kommentar von Evi Simeoni
El País
La Generalitat decreta el confinamiento de la comarca leridana del Segrià desde este mediodía | Torra justifica la medida por el aumento de casos de covid-19 y ordena a los Mossos que multen a los ciudadanos que incumplan la medida – De Pere Ríos
Arrecia el debate sobre cómo pagar la factura de la crisis | La pandemia dejará un enorme agujero en las cuentas públicas de medio mundo y obligará a un ajuste para garantizar la solvencia – De Laura Delle Femmine
Le Monde
Coronavirus : face à la multiplication des cas de contagion, la Catalogne reconfine 200 000 personnes | L’OMS a exhorté les Etats à réellement « engager le combat » contre la pandémie, qui continue de se propager aux Etats-Unis et en Amérique latine.
Les pubs rouvrent en Angleterre : « Après ce long confinement, on mérite bien de faire la fête » | La réouverture des pubs et des restaurants aura lieu samedi. Une partie de l’âme du pays va revivre. Mais financièrement, la période a été très difficile. – Par Eric Albert
Diário de Notícias
Coronavírus europeu seis vezes mais potente que o original | Vírus da covid-19 sofreu mutação na Europa e infeta muito mais células do que o que apareceu em Wuhan (China) em dezembro de 2019. – De Isaura Almeida
Surto em Lérida: Catalunha confina 200 mil pessoas | Ficam restringidas as entradas e saídas da zona afetada e estão proibidas concentrações com mais de 10 pessoas em espaços privados e públicos, entre outras medidas.
Estados Unidos “não estão a ir na direção certa” | O diretor do Instituto Nacional de Alergia e Doenças infecciosas dos EUA afirma que a pandemia do coronavírus no país não vai no caminho certo, mas admitiu um desconfinamento controlado.