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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann
9 June
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The Guardian
9 June. Life after Covid-19: stories of survival and loss from a Coventry hospital | As coronavirus patients across the UK are discharged, photojournalist Jonny Weeks meets some of those lucky enough to have been reunited with their loved ones.
9 June. Without public faith in government actions, the UK will never beat Covid-19 – By Liam Smeeth | As a scientist, it’s clear to me that the collective action vital to success relies on leaders being honest about their strategy.
9 June. World Bank warns Covid-19 pandemic risks dramatic rise in poverty – By Richard Partington | As many as 90% of the 183 economies are expected to suffer from falling levels of GDP in 2020.
9 June. ‘Enormous disparities’: coronavirus death rates expose Brazil’s deep racial inequalities – By Dom Phillips, Photography by Nicoló Lanfranchi | Poverty, poor access to health services and overcrowding all play a part in disproportionate number of deaths, say researchers.
9 June. ‘A beautiful day’: New Zealand handshakes and hugs its way back to pre-Covid-19 life – By Charlotte Graham-McLay | There may be tough economic times, and fresh cases, ahead but for now New Zealanders can enjoy a day free of coronavirus restrictions.
9 June. Podcast, 13 minutes. Covid-19: the psychology of physical distancing – podcast – Presented by Nicola Davis and produced by Madeleine Finlay | As the world begins to unlock, many of us will be seeing friends and family again – albeit with guidelines on how close you can get to one another. But why is it more difficult to stay physically apart from friends and family than a stranger in a supermarket queue? Nicola Davis speaks to Prof John Drury about the psychology of physical distancing and why we like to be near those we feel emotionally close with.
9 June. What kind of face mask gives the best protection against coronavirus? By Hannah Devlin Science correspondent | Your questions answered on what type of mask to wear to cut the risk of getting Covid-19.
9 June. Covid-19 increase detected in some US states as restrictions wind down – By Oliver Milman | As cases states in the north-east drop, states across the south and California are seeing increases – much to experts’ concern.
The New York Times
8 June. Why It’s Hard to Keep Workers Safe as Meatpacking Plants Reopen | See how workers stand shoulder to shoulder to provide Americans with affordable meat. As plants reopen, the coronavirus remains a threat – By Yuliya Parshina-Kottas, Larry Buchanan, Aliza Aufrichtig and Michael Corkery.
The Washington Post
8 June. Shutdowns prevented 60 million coronavirus infections in the U.S., study finds. | Shutdown orders prevented about 60 million novel coronavirus infections in the United States and 285 million in China, according to a research study published Monday that examined how stay-at-home orders and other restrictions limited the spread of the contagion – By Joel Achenbach and Laura Meckler.
6 June. The coronavirus is reshaping an old hierarchy: Who can travel where | Before the coronavirus pandemic, a U.S. passport ensured a high degree of mobility. But as countries closed their borders and grounded flights in response to the spread of the novel coronavirus, much of the world was suddenly cut off from nonessential travel. By Miriam Berger.
Der Spiegel
9 Juni. Blutgruppe könnte Krankheitsverlauf von Covid-19 beeinflussen | Verschiedene Genanalysen zeigen: Wie schwer ein Mensch an Covid-19 erkrankt, hängt offenbar mit seiner Blutgruppe zusammen. Bei den Ursachen müssen Forscher noch spekulieren. – Von Heike Le Ker.
9 Juni. So geht der Mallorca-Urlaub | Knapp 11.000 Deutsche dürfen ab Montag auf die Balearen reisen. Spanien will mit diesem Pilotprojekt testen: Wie funktioniert Urlaub in der Corona-Pandemie? Ein Überblick. – Von Jan Ronnburger und Emilio Rappold, dpa.
9 Juni. Coronavirus in Bergamo : Die Wut der Hinterbliebenen. – Von Matthias Rüb.
El País
9 junio. Un estudio basado en las consultas en Internet y el tráfico de Wuhan concluye que el virus empezó a circular el pasado agosto | El análisis detecta un mayor uso de aparcamientos en zonas hospitalarias desde el verano y un incremento de las búsquedas de síntomas compatibles – De Raúl Limón.
Le Monde
9 juin. Comment le Luxembourg est devenu un laboratoire d’une gestion efficace du coronavirus | Avec l’un des taux de mortalité les plus faibles parmi les pays touchés, le grand-duché de Luxembourg a fait preuve d’une gestion efficace face aux risques liés au Covid-19. Par Jean-Pierre Stroobants.
9 juin, mise à jour. Un pic très net de mortalité en France depuis le 1er mars par rapport aux 20 dernières années | Depuis un mois et demi, comparé à cette même période, le nombre de décès est en hausse de 33 %. – Par Pierre Breteau et Maxime Ferrer.
9 juin. Comment l’épidémie due au coronavirus peut-elle disparaître, ou survivre ? – Par David Larousserie, Pascale Santi, Paul Benkimoun, Nathaniel Herzberg et Chloé Hecketsweiler | Alors que le confinement a amorcé la décrue des contaminations, le coronavirus passera-t-il l’été ? Les chercheurs en débattent, en prenant en compte différents paramètres qui peuvent conditionner sa survie ou sa mort.
7 juin. Vidéo, 13 minutes. Le coronavirus est-il sorti d’un laboratoire ? Episode 2 : la thèse de l’accident – Par Asia Balluffier et Elsa Longueville | Des inquiétudes concernant le respect des normes de sécurité du seul laboratoire P4 de Wuhan avaient été émises par des diplomates américains en 2018.
9 de junho. Pessoas sem sintomas raramente transmitem o novo coronavírus, afirma OMS | A responsável pela área das doenças emergentes da Organização Mundial de Saúde admite que é necessária mais investigação e mais dados para se ter uma “resposta verdadeira”, mas diz que os dados actuais apontam para que seja “muito raro” tal acontecer e lamenta que esta informação seja ignorada pelas revistas científicas. – De Clara Viana
9 de junho. Estudo de Harvard sugere que o novo coronavírus poderá ter atingido a China no Outono | A investigação analisou imagens de satélite que demonstram um aumento do tráfego automóvel junto a hospitais, assim como o aumento da pesquisa de sintomas na Internet que poderão estar relacionados com a covid-19. De Sofia Correia Baptista.
9 de junho. A revolta e a resiliência de três mulheres a quem tudo o turismo levou | Isabel Oliveira foi dispensada do hotel onde fazia limpezas e entrou num sindicato pela primeira vez. Marisa Ferreira e Alba Plaza tinham estruturado a vida com o turismo como base. Um vírus virou-lhes os dias do avesso — como se começa de novo? – De Mariana Correia Pinto (texto) e José Sarmento Matos (fotografia).