Press Room: June 7

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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann

7 June

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>>> España | >>> France

The Guardian

7 June. Are we underestimating how many people are resistant to Covid-19? – By Laura Spinney | Scientists are racing to work out why some populations have fared better than others during the pandemic.


7 June. Health experts on the psychological cost of Covid-19. By Sean O’Hagan | On top of the mounting statistics looms a further casualty of the pandemic: our psychological wellbeing. Will we be able to cope with the fallout?

7 June. Brazil stops releasing Covid-19 death toll and wipes data from official site – By Dom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro | Government accused of totalitarianism and censorship after Bolsonaro orders end to publication of numbers.


7 June. ‘We need a strategy’: senior clinicians fear UK has no plan for second wave – By James Tapper and Michael Savage | Although Covid-19 infections are falling, many experts worry the numbers are still too high and the NHS is under extreme pressure.


7 June. After six months of coronavirus, how close are we to defeating it? – By Robin McKie, Science Editor | Doctors say they are making progress in understanding the disease, but warn against hoping for an early vaccine.


7 June. The coronavirus crisis won’t give Boris Johnson an alibi for a calamitous Brexit – By Andrew Rawnsley  | Failure to strike an agreement with the EU will inflict a terrible double whammy on the economy.


7 June. More than 140 Zuckerberg-funded scientists call on Facebook to rein in Trump – By Guardian staff and agencies | High-profile researchers urge CEO not to let president spread ‘misinformation and incendiary statements’ amid protests over racial injustice.


The New York Times

6 June. Coronavirus Shutdowns: Economists Look for Better Answers – By Eduardo Porter | Researchers are developing models for more targeted closings (and reopenings) that would curb the spread of infection at a less severe economic cost.


The Washington Post

5 June. Amid reopenings and street protests, coronavirus transmission remains high in much of the U.S. – By Joel Achenbach and Chelsea Janes | The coronavirus appears to be in retreat in regions that moved decisively to contain it after being hit hard, including New York and New Jersey. But the virus is persisting — and, in some places, spreading aggressively — in parts of the South, Midwest and West, including in states that were among the last to impose shutdowns and the first to lift them.


El País

7 junio. Radiografía de tres brotes: así se contagiaron y así podemos evitarlo – De Javier Salas y Mariano Zafra | Una oficina, un restaurante y un autobús. Tres contagios múltiples, estudiados minuciosamente por las autoridades sanitarias, ofrecen valiosas lecciones para la desescalada.


7 junio. España es el país con el segundo mayor exceso de muertes durante la crisis del coronavirus – De Borja Andrino, Daniele Grasso, Kiko Llaneras | El aumento de fallecidos medido por EL PAÍS con cifras de registros civiles de 20 países sitúa a Perú en cabeza y coloca a siete países europeos entre los 10 primeros.


7 junio. AstraZeneca plantea a Gilead la mayor fusión farmacéutica de la historia | La compañía fusionada tendría un valor de mercado de más de 200.000 millones de dólares


Le Monde

5 juin. Egypte : les médecins entre manque de moyens et répression – Par Hélène Sallon | Alors que plus de 500 personnes ont été interpellées pour avoir critiqué la gestion de l’épidémie par le gouvernement, selon le Réseau arabe d’information sur les droits de l’homme, les médecins sont à leur tour la cible de la répression.


Le Monde Diplomatique

6 juin. Aux États-Unis, « rien ne changera fondamentalement » – Par Thomas Frank | Aucun pays ne dénombre autant de victimes du Covid-19 — près de cent mille le 21 mai — que les États-Unis. Et l’absence d’un filet de protection médical et social y provoque une crise sans précédent depuis un siècle. En année électorale, un tel tableau aurait pu provoquer un séisme politique. Pourtant, la réélection du président sortant n’est pas exclue. Et son rival n’ambitionne que le retour aux années Obama.