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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann
28 June
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Myocarditis in a 16-year-old boy positive for SARS-CoV-2 | A 16-year-old boy was admitted to our emergency department, in Lombardy, complaining of intense pain in his chest—radiating to his left arm—which had started 1 h earlier. – By Gnecchi et al.
Generation coronavirus? | The catastrophic elements that have perpetuated the COVID-19 pandemic—global interconnectedness, climate change due to human activity, vast economic inequality, and deep veins of antiscience—have resulted in more than 9 million infections and almost 500 000 deaths worldwide. Although children might be less susceptible to infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and generally have better outcomes than adults, COVID-19 as a phenomenon weighs heavily on their health and wellbeing. >>>
The Guardian
There’s another pandemic stalking Britain: hunger | As Boris Johnson instructs us to go out and spend, swathes of the population can barely afford to eat – By John Harris
Covid-19: risk of death in UK care homes 13 times higher than in Germany | Exclusive: figures show Britain second only to Spain among major European countries – By Robert Booth Social
Only 13% of UK working parents want to go back to ‘the old normal’ | Survey shows people want to continue with more fulfilling and family-friendly work environments – By Jamie Doward
Why the UK is the sick man of Europe again | British neoliberalism, social inequality and arrogance have left us trailing in Germany’s wake in the fight against coronavirus, argue John Green and Glyn Turton, while Jinty Nelson says the UK has been losing ground in other areas for years
The New York Times
‘They Want to Kill Me’: Many Covid Patients Have Terrifying Delirium | Paranoid hallucinations plague many coronavirus patients in I.C.U.s, an experience that can slow recovery and increase risk of depression and cognitive issues. – By Pam Belluck
On Coronavirus, Americans Still Trust the Experts | But that trust may be tested in the months ahead. – By Margot Sanger-Katz
‘We Could Be Feeling This for the Next Decade’: Virus Hits College Towns | Opening bars and bringing back football teams have led to new outbreaks. Communities that evolved around campuses face potentially existential losses in population, jobs and revenue. – By Shawn Hubler
How the World Missed Covid-19’s Silent Spread | Symptomless transmission makes the coronavirus far harder to fight. But health officials dismissed the risk for months, pushing misleading and contradictory claims in the face of mounting evidence. – By Matt Apuzzo, Selam Gebrekidan and David D. Kirkpatrick
After Asking Americans to Sacrifice in Shutdown, Leaders Failed to Control Virus | As Covid-19 cases surge, it is clear many governors underestimated the coronavirus and rushed to reopen before their states were ready. By Sabrina Tavernise, Frances Robles and Louis Keene.
Actual Coronavirus Infections Vastly Undercounted, C.D.C. Data Shows | The prevalence of infections is more than 10 times higher than the counted number of cases in six regions of the United States. By Apoorva Mandavilli
Die Zeit
Fleischbetriebe müssen Beschäftigte zweimal pro Woche testen | Nordrhein-Westfalen hat die Infektionsschutzvorschriften für die Fleischindustrie verschärft. Außerhalb der Betriebe ist die Infektionszahl in Gütersloh gestiegen.
El País
Así perdimos a la generación que cambió España | Crecieron en la dureza de la guerra y la posguerra y cimentaron la democracia. Muchos han acabado sus días solos. ¿Qué falló para que les falláramos? Esta historia es un homenaje a los 37.000 muertos de más de 70 años que de forma directa o indirecta dejó la pandemia – Texto: Pablo de Llano | Fotografía: Samuel Sánchez | Vídeo: Saúl Ruiz
La mayoría de infecciones siguen escapando al radar | Sanidad calcula que se detectan alrededor de un tercio de las infecciones. De ellas, un 40% no tiene vínculo conocido con otro contagiado. Esta transmisión silenciosa es uno de los miedos de los expertos – De Pablo Linde
Le Monde
Le sud et l’ouest des Etats-Unis enregistrent un nombre record de cas de coronavirus | La Floride a fait état, samedi 27 juin, de 9 585 nouvelles infections établissant un record pour le deuxième jour de suite, tandis que l’Arizona a établi 3 591 nouveaux cas de COVID-19, égalant le record daté du 23 juin.
Diário de Notícias
Criação de anticorpos em laboratório pode estar à distância de meses | Terapia com anticorpos é uma esperança no combate à covid-19, dado permitir uma imunização temporária à doença. Empresas de biotecnologia apostam nesta via, que pode ser mais rápida que o desenvolvimento de uma vacina.