Press Room: June 25

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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann

25 June

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Breaking News

The New York Times: Austrian Ski Resort Has Record Rate of Coronavirus Antibodies, Study Finds | A study of residents in the Alpine ski resort of Ischgl, the site of Austria’s biggest coronavirus outbreak, has found 42% have antibodies for the virus, the highest rate ever proven, the university that carried out the study said on Thursday.


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Mounting clues suggest the coronavirus might trigger diabetes | Evidence from tissue studies and some people with COVID-19 shows that the virus damages insulin-producing cells. – De Smriti Mallapaty


Ann Intern Med

Annals On Call – Clinical Reasoning and COVID-19 Part 2 | Audio, 24 minutes | In this episode of Annals On Call, Robert Centor discusses diagnosis of COVID-19 with Ann Marie Kumfer and Sharmin Shekarchian. (See also Part 1 – 26 minutes)


The Guardian

Revealed: data shows 10 countries risking coronavirus second wave as lockdown relaxed | Of the 45 countries to have recorded more than 25,000 coronavirus cases to date, 21 currently have relaxed responses to the pandemic. Of these, 10 are reporting a rising number of cases – By Pablo Gutiérrez and Ashley Kirk

Abattoir air cooling systems could pose Covid-19 risks, expert warns | Analysis of Tönnies meat plant system in Gütersloh shows it contributed to spread of aerosol droplets laden with coronavirus – By Philip Oltermann

Texas Covid-19 cases hit all-time daily high as Houston hospitals near capacity | Increase in coronavirus infections prompted governor to tighten public health restrictions after resisting calls to slow reopening – By Amanda Holpuch

On different planets: how Germany tackled the pandemic, and Britain flailed | From health spending to test and trace, the German response to coronavirus has many lessons for the UK. Can we learn them? – By Martin Kettle

How will the world’s poorest people get a coronavirus vaccine? | Rich countries’ governments are putting all their trust in a marriage of markets and philanthropy called Gavi – By Achal Prabhala and Kate Elder

‘I am angry’: Germans back in lockdown demand accountability | Reaction in Gütersloh highlights the problems governments may face if restrictions return – By Kate Connolly in Berlin

Life almost as we know it: England’s lockdown changes on 4 July | Scientists describe measures for easing lockdown as nuanced and ‘an art, not a science’


The New York Times

How the Virus Won | Invisible outbreaks sprang up everywhere. The United States ignored the warning signs. We analyzed travel patterns, hidden infections and genetic data to show how the epidemic spun out of control. – By Derek Watkins, Josh Holder, James Glanz, Weiyi Cai, Benedict Carey and Jeremy White

Austrian Ski Resort Has Record Rate of Coronavirus Antibodies, Study Finds | A study of residents in the Alpine ski resort of Ischgl, the site of Austria’s biggest coronavirus outbreak, has found 42% have antibodies for the virus, the highest rate ever proven, the university that carried out the study said on Thursday.

From China To Germany, the World Learns to Live With the Coronavirus | As mass infections strike even in places that had seemed to tame the coronavirus, officials are turning to targeted and fast-but-flexible approaches to stop third or fourth waves. – By Sui-Lee Wee, Benjamin Mueller and Emma Bubola

N.Y. Will Impose Quarantine on Visitors From States With Big Outbreaks | New Jersey and Connecticut will also require visitors to quarantine for two weeks. The rule reflects a stark shift in the course of the outbreak. – By J. David Goodman

Bars, Strip Clubs and Churches: U.S. Virus Outbreaks Enter Unwieldy Phase | For months, clusters often centered in nursing homes, prisons and food processing plants. With Americans venturing into public more, new types of outbreaks are emerging. – By Sarah Mervosh, Mitch Smith and Lucy Tompkins

 ‘The City Fumbled It’: How 4 Families Took On the Virus | In the South Bronx, the coronavirus had a devastating impact on an already vulnerable population. Residents of public housing didn’t wait for the city to help. – By David Gonzalez | Photographs by Gabriela Bhaskar

The Pandemic Is Still Raging. The President Pretends Otherwise. | Downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus has not stopped it from spreading in parts of the U.S. – By The Editorial Board

‘Though the Virus Hadn’t Yet Reached Us, It Was Already Our Enemy’ | A rural hospital in Texas braces for an outbreak while trying to stave off financial ruin. – By Donna Boatright and Jennifer Liedtke



Die Zeit

Zahl der Infizierten in Wiesenhof-Betrieb steigt auf 35 | Am Dienstag sind bei 23 Mitarbeitern Corona-Infektionen festgestellt worden. Nun werden alle Mitarbeiter des Putenschlachthofs getestet – insgesamt über 1.100 Menschen.

Wo können Gütersloher jetzt noch hinreisen? | Reisende aus Corona-Hotspots wie Gütersloh dürfen in manche Regionen vorerst nicht ohne Weiteres einreisen. Eine einheitliche Linie verfolgen die Bundesländer nicht.


Der Spiegel

Studie zeigt hohe Durchseuchung in Ischgls Bevölkerung | Bei mehr als 40 Prozent der Bewohner Ischgls haben Forscher Antikörper gegen das Coronavirus entdeckt. Nur ein Bruchteil der Betroffenen wusste zuvor von seiner Infektion. Von Irene Berres

Das Viruskarussell im Zerlegeraum | Zirkulierende Luft in unterkühlten Räumen hat beim Fleischproduzenten Tönnies zur massenhaften Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus geführt. Nun suchen Experten nach technischen Lösungen für Filteranlagen.

Neue Hotspots, neue Furcht | Zum ersten Mal müssen mit den Kreisen Gütersloh und Warendorf zwei Regionen in Deutschland erneut in den Lockdown. Und die nächsten kratzen schon an entscheidenden Grenzwerten. – Von Julia Köppe



EU-Agentur macht Weg frei für Corona-Mittel Remdesivir in Europa | Die Europäische Arzneimittelbehörde EMA hat erstmals grünes Licht für einen Wirkstoff zur Corona-Therapie in der EU gegeben. Der Empfehlung zufolge sollen bestimmte Covid-19-Patienten unter Auflagen mit Remdesivir behandelt werden dürfen.

„Die Menschen waren zweitrangig“ | Es sei Tradition unter den Subunternehmern in der Fleischindustrie, Menschen krank zur Arbeit zu nötigen, sagt der Caritas-Vorstand im Kreis Gütersloh. Wer dagegen protestiere, werde schnell aus seiner Unterkunft geworfen. Ein Interview. – Von Jannik Waidner, Gütersloh

Klimaanlagen könnten Corona-Ausbrüche begünstigt haben | Hygiene-Experte Martin Exner untersucht den Corona-Ausbruch bei Tönnies. Er hat einen Risikofaktor ausgemacht, der bislang nicht im Blick der Wissenschaft gewesen sei – und auch schon im Kreis Heinsberg eine Rolle gespielt habe.



El País

El riesgo de la relajación: los brotes se están produciendo en todas partes | Sanidad notifica 196 casos nuevos en un día, la cifra más alta en tres semanas – De Pablo Linde y Elena G. Sevillano

Italia pierde el miedo al virus | El sur del país baja la guardia a causa del menor impacto en su población. El turismo puede cambiar la situación – De Daniel Verdú

El brote en un centro de Cruz Roja en Málaga se dispara y supera los 80 contagios | Desde que se detectó el primer caso el pasado domingo hay un centenar de personas en seguimiento activo y el espacio se encuentra vigilado – De Nacho Sánchez

Los médicos del Reino Unido exigen a Johnson que planifique la respuesta ante una segunda ola del virus | Los científicos expresan sus reservas a la decisión de levantar el confinamiento – De Rafa de Miguel

Tokio detecta nuevos focos de coronavirus en oficinas | La capital nipona reporta 55 nuevos casos, su mayor repunte en mes y medio – De Jaime Santirso



Le Monde

« Nous allons dans la mauvaise direction, et nous y allons à toute vitesse » : aux Etats-Unis, rebond inquiétant de la pandémie | Plus de 38 000 cas ont été détectés mercredi, un record depuis le début de l’épidémie due au coronavirus. Les Etats qui avaient levé le plus tôt les mesures de confinement, principalement républicains, sont les plus touchés. – Par Stéphanie Le Bars

Peu de transmission du Covid-19 chez les enfants en école primaire | La troisième étude menée à Crépy-en-Valois, l’un des premiers foyers français de l’épidémie, confirme que les plus jeunes développent des formes bénignes et sont peu contagieux. – Par Paul Benkimoun et Chloé Hecketsweiler (Édition abonnés)

La crise économique provoquée par le coronavirus pourrait être la plus dévastatrice depuis 150 ans | Selon la Banque mondiale, le PIB planétaire pourrait se contracter de 5,2 % en 2020. – Par Julien Bouissou

Les Etats-Unis confrontés à une poussée « préoccupante » de l’épidémie de Covid-19 | Si dans certains premiers foyers de l’épidémie, comme New York, la situation s’est améliorée, des Etats du Sud connaissent une hausse inquiétante, comme au Texas qui a appelé chacun à rester chez soi.

Des fans de K-pop ont perturbé un meeting de Trump : comment ont-ils atteint ce degré d’influence en ligne ? | Les fans de musique pop coréenne sont si puissants que l’on arrive à concevoir qu’ils puissent troller le président des Etats-Unis.



Diário de Notícias

Vacina pode ser ineficaz em idosos de risco. Vacinar os netos é solução | Comissão Científica da Câmara dos Lordes britânica admite que uma vacina pode não ter resultados nos mais idosos, o maior grupo de risco, sugerindo vacinar aqueles que os rodeiam para os proteger. – De Helena Tecedeiro

Alerta da OMS. Pandemia “está a crescer a um ritmo alarmante” | O diretor-geral da OMS disse nesta quarta-feira que a pandemia da covid-19 “está a crescer a um ritmo alarmante” e defendeu a necessidade de apostar nas infraestruturas necessárias à produção e distribuição de uma vacina.

A vila onde 80% das pessoas tem covid-19 e o hospital mais próximo fica a oito horas de barco | Na remota vila de Caimito, no Peru, o novo coronavírus não tem dado tréguas. Na vila só existe uma clínica e três profissionais de saúde para combater o vírus – De Daniel Pe_a