Press Room: June 22

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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann

22 June

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Drug recently shown to reduce coronavirus death risk could run out, experts warn | Injectable dexamethasone is more difficult to manufacture than tablets, because production needs to take place under sterile conditions – By Eli Cahan, 21 June


The Guardian

Delhi to transform 25 luxury hotels into Covid-19 care centres | Fearful hotel workers asked to take on role of hospital support staff as cases in Delhi rise – By Amrit Dhillon, 22 June

Family celebrations send parts of Australia back into coronavirus restrictions | One million people advised not to leave their suburbs after hotspots emerge in Melbourne caused by birthday parties – By Matilda Boseley, 22 June

New Zealand tightens Covid-19 border measures in ‘dangerous new phase’ | Quarantined returnees must test negative to coronavirus before release and may be asked to pay for their isolation accomodation – By Charles Anderson, 22 June

‘The power of volume’: Africa unites to lower cost of Covid-19 tests and PPE | Online marketplace for medical supplies will allow continent to buy in bulk and lower costs, says South Africa’s president – By Carien du Plessis, 22 June

‘It would spread quickly in those cells’: Covid-19 imperils packed Egypt prison | Families of prisoners at notorious Tora complex concerned publicised efforts to contain virus are purely cosmetic – By Ruth Michaelson, 22 June

Visitors return to Spain as coronavirus state of emergency ends | The Spanish government has launched a publicity campaign to boost vital tourism industry – By Sam Jones, 21 June

Daughter speaks out after her father dies of Covid-19: ‘It was preventable’ | Lina Washington calls for stricter rules in Arizona as cases rise, challenging the governor’s response to the pandemic – By Lauren Gambino, 21 June

Winning by a nose: the dogs being trained to detect signs of Covid-19 | In the battle against the virus, we have an unlikely ally. Already used to detect drugs and weapons, dogs are now being trained to sniff out when humans have the virus. Tim Lewis meets the trainers and their hounds – By Tim Lewis, 21 June


The New York Times

Lessons on Coronavirus Testing From the Adult Film Industry | An industry that survived one health crisis could be a model for others looking to build confidence, experts say. – By Michele C. Hollow



Die Zeit

Die meisten Väter sind unwillig, ihren Anteil zu leisten | Unser Autor hat genug von Vätern, die sich nicht kümmern. Er fordert: Wer Vollzeit arbeitet und unter sieben Monate in Elternzeit geht, sollte das Sorgerecht verlieren. Von Jochen König, 22. Juni

Die Geduld ist aufgebraucht | Mehr als 1.300 Schlachthofbeschäftigte sind mit dem Coronavirus infiziert. Der Druck auf Tönnies steigt. Hat das Unternehmen verstanden, dass sich etwas ändern muss? – Von Jurik Caspar Iser, 21. Juni


Der Spiegel

Zerstörtes Vertrauen, verängstigte Mitarbeiter | Mehr als 1300 Tönnies-Mitarbeiter sind mit dem Coronavirus infiziert, NRW-Ministerpräsident Laschet sieht trotzdem keinen Grund für einen Lockdown. Im Vergleich mit anderen Corona-Ausbrüchen in der Fleischindustrie stellt sich die Lage im Landkreis Gütersloh noch einmal schwieriger dar. – Von Reiner Burger, 21. Juni



El País

España levanta la cuarentena para ciudadanos británicos pese a que Reino Unido la mantiene para españoles | La necesidad de revitalizar el turismo impulsa al Gobierno a eximir de aislamiento a los visitantes británicos – De Lucía Abellán, 21 junio

La muerte indigna: reconstrucción de la tragedia de las residencias de ancianos en Madrid | EL PAÍS reproduce con documentos oficiales, comunicaciones internas del Gobierno y declaraciones públicas el drama de los centros de mayores en la Comunidad – De Juan José Mateo y Fernando Peinado, 21 junio

“En África no ha hecho más que empezar” | La pandemia tardó más en llegar al continente, pero las previsiones apuntan a que el virus también tardará más en irse – De José Naranjo, 21 junio

La voluble geopolítica del medicamento | La crisis sanitaria ha destapado la alta dependencia de Occidente de los países emergentes – De Miguel Ángel García Vega, 21 junio

El sueño de la vacuna española contra la covid | Diez proyectos científicos nacionales se enfrentan a obstáculos como la falta de macacos de experimentación y la escasez de fábricas capaces de producir a gran escala – De Manuel Ansede y Artur Galocha, 21 junio

Farmacéuticas en pie de guerra para liderar la vacuna de la covid-19 | La industria del medicamento está en el ojo del huracán. Las compañías aceleran para encontrar un antídoto contra el coronavirus entre fusiones y fuertes presiones geopolíticas – De Miguel Ángel García Vega, 21 junio



Le Monde

Jour de reprise dans les écoles, collèges, crèches, cinémas, salles de jeux et pour les sports collectifs | La France continue d’alléger les mesures de précaution, alors que l’épidémie de Covid-19 continue de circuler sur le territoire, mais reste contenue. Deux départements restent cependant « en situation de vulnérabilité élevée » : la Guyane et Mayotte. – 21 juin.



Diário de Notícias

“A probabilidade de uma segunda vaga no próximo inverno é muito alta” | Nuno Marques dirige o centro de investigação biomédica Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC), que tem estado no centro do combate à pandemia. Ao DN, fala dessa luta dos últimos três meses, e do futuro, em que máscaras, distanciamento social e lavagem das mãos serão obrigatórios, “pelo menos nos próximos dois, três anos”. – De Filomena Naves, 21 de junho

‘The Sunday Times’ elogia Portugal sem turistas e com “cerveja gelada e amêijoas” | Christina Lamb, que é casada com um português e visita o país há 26 anos, conta a experiência de regresso a Portugal após o confinamento em Londres, com liberdades que os britânicos não podem gozar e oportunidade de aproveitar aquilo que noutras ocasiões é difícil por Lisboa estar na moda. – 21 de junho