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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann
20 June
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N Engl J Med
Challenges of “Return to Work” in an Ongoing Pandemic – By Mark Barnes and Paul E. Sax
Convergent antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in convalescent individuals | Most convalescent plasmas obtained from individuals who recover from COVID-19 do not contain high levels of neutralizing activity. Nevertheless, rare but recurring RBD-specific antibodies with potent antiviral activity were found in all individuals tested, suggesting that a vaccine designed to elicit such antibodies could be broadly effective (n=149). – By Robbiani DF et al.
Structure-based design of antiviral drug candidates targeting the SARS-CoV-2 main protease | A promising drug target is the viral main protease Mpro, which plays a key role in viral replication and transcription. Dai et al. designed two inhibitors, 11a and 11b, based on analyzing the structure of the Mpro active site. – De Dai W, et al.
The Guardian
Florida’s Covid-19 surge shows the state’s reopening plan is not working | As counties end the second week of Governor Ron DeSantis’ ‘safe, smart, step-by-step’ policy, the state marks a record high in daily cases – By Richard Luscombein
The trampling of Venice shows why tourism must change after Covid-19 | Coronavirus has given hotspots like the besieged Italian port breathing space – and a vision of a new, greener kind of tourism – By Neal E Robbins
South Asians in Britain most likely to die in hospital of Covid-19, study finds | Experts find diabetes is ‘significant factor’ in increased risk of ethnic group – By Haroon Siddique
Stranded at sea: the crew members trapped on cruise ships | Audio, 23 minutes | Guardian US reporter Erin McCormick describes why thousands of crew are still stranded on cruise ships after coronavirus bought the industry to a standstill in March. Will Lees describes how it took him 82 days to get back to Canada while Perry, who hasn’t had a salary since March, is still stuck and doesn’t know when he will get home to his family in Mauritius
Coronavirus mass surveillance could be here to stay, experts say | Use of invasive digital and physical tracking measures soars as the pandemic spreads – By Oliver Holmes, Justin McCurry, and Michael Safi.
22 days in April: the darkest hours of the UK coronavirus crisis | A look back at the devastating weeks when Boris Johnson went into intensive care and the daily death toll passed 1,000 – By Robert Booth
The New York Times
What we’ve learned about the coronavirus | Podcast, 26 minutes (with transcript) | States are reopening. Parks are crowded. Restaurants are filling up with diners. But is this dangerous? Six months into the pandemic, we reflect on what we’ve learned about the coronavirus — and ask how that knowledge should chart the course forward. – Hosted by Michael Barbaro; produced by Michael Simon Johnson and Annie Brown; with help from Alexandra Leigh Young; and edited by Theo Balcomb and Lisa Chow
How to Entertain Your Kids This Summer? Maybe Don’t | You can keep your family safe and sane by encouraging old-school play, embarking on some D.I.Y. projects and, yes, even embracing boredom. – By Alexis Soloski
Die Zeit
Mehr als 1.000 Mitarbeiter von Tönnies infiziert | “Das Vertrauen, das wir in Tönnies setzen, ist auf Null”: Der Landkreis musste das Unternehmen offenbar zur Kooperation zwingen. Der Betrieb ist für 14 Tage geschlossen.
Forscher finden Coronavirus-Spuren im Abwasser von Dezember | Wie lange konnte sich das Coronavirus unbemerkt in Italien ausbreiten? Forscher haben für diese Frage Abwasserproben aus 2019 untersucht – und sind fündig geworden.
Armin Laschet schließt regionalen Lockdown nicht mehr aus | Auf dem Gelände des Schlachtbetriebs Tönnies helfen nun Soldaten der Bundeswehr bei den Corona-Tests. Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet erwägt einen regionalen Lockdown.
Der Spiegel
A Global Scramble for the Coming Coronavirus Vaccine | A vast rivalry is developing between the U.S. and China in the race to develop a coronavirus vaccine. The health of billions of people depends on the outcome. How can the vaccine be fairly distributed? By DER SPIEGEL Staff
Approval Wanes for Sweden’s Lax Coronavirus Policies | Popular support for Sweden’s lax response to the coronavirus is waning and the situation in the country’s retirement homes is concerning. The architect of the Swedish approach, Anders Tegnell, is standing by his prescribed course. – By Dietmar Pieper
Alle Tönnies-Mitarbeiter in Quarantäne – auch Konzernchef Clemens Tönnies | Der Corona-Ausbruch im Fleischkonzern Tönnies zieht drastische Schritte nach sich. Der Kreis Gütersloh verhängte für alle Mitarbeiter in Rheda-Wiedenbrück eine Quarantäne. Das betrifft auch die Führungsetage.
Angst vor der Leere – und vor den Massen | “Alles ändert sich”: Mallorcas Hoteliers betreiben einen hohen Aufwand, um ihre Häuser Corona-sicher zu machen. Die Gäste stören die Schutzmaßnahmen offensichtlich nicht. Aber wie sieht die Zukunft aus? – Von Antje Blinda
El País
España comienza el rastreo urgente de aguas residuales y de baño en busca de coronavirus | Los análisis dan prioridad a colectores de hospitales, zonas turísticas y aeropuertos – De Raúl Limón
“En España se ignoraron principios clave en salud pública” | Pedro Alonso, epidemiólogo y director del Programa Mundial de Malaria de la OMS, aboga por una “profunda reforma” de los sistemas de información sanitaria – De Oriol Güell
El rebrote de Pekín | China da por controlado el nuevo pico del coronavirus, pero no aclara su origen – De Javier Sampedro
Síntomas inespecíficos y PCR negativas: así sortea el coronavirus los sistemas de vigilancia | La Generalitat rastrea la comarca de La Garrotxa en Girona por un brote con 33 casos que tardó 10 días en identificar – De Oriol Güell
Un grupo evangélico peruano inyecta un medicamento veterinario a miles de personas para la covid-19 | Al menos 5.000 habitantes de la Amazonía peruana recibieron una vacuna antiparasitaria para animales que los religiosos ofrecieron como “una salvación” para el coronavirus – De Jacqueline Fowks
Madrid abre las barras de bares y los toros pero mantiene cerradas las discotecas y los aforos hasta julio | El Gobierno de Díaz Ayuso diseña una fase más restrictiva de la desescalada, hasta el 5 de julio, y otra suavizada desde entonces – Juan José Mateo
Le Monde
« Je suis là pour dire que les vies des personnes noires comptent » : des milliers d’Américains célèbrent le 155e anniversaire de l’abolition de l’esclavage | Le 19 juin aux Etats-Unis est fêté Juneteenth, en souvenir de ce jour de 1865 où les derniers esclaves ont été libérés au Texas. Des manifestations ont été observées dans les quatre coins du pays.
Travailleurs sans papiers : vingt-quatre heures avec les « premiers de corvée » | Nettoyage, sécurité, aide à la personne… La crise sanitaire a mis en lumière l’importance de secteurs qui ont recours à une main-d’œuvre sans papiers. Des appels à manifester pour leur régularisation ont été lancés pour ce samedi. – Par Julia Pascual et Camille Millerand (Édition abonné)
Diário de Notícias
Cem dias de pandemia. Meio milhão de mortos e um mundo novo | Suspeitas, avanços, recuos e muita cautela com a palavra proibida. Mas, finalmente, a 11 de março Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – diretor-geral da OMS – faz uma comunicação ao mundo: a recém-nomeada covid-19 já é uma pandemia. Foi há cem dias. – De Rita Rato Nunes
Pesadelo em Lagos. O que se sabe da festa ilegal que já infetou 90 pessoas | No dia 7 de junho, uma festa de aniversário no salão do Clube Desportivo de Odiáxere, no concelho de Lagos, tornou-se um dos dos maiores focos de contágio por covid-19 identificados desde o início da pandemia em Portugal. Três horas de diversão que se transformaram num pesadelo. Para o Algarve e para o país. – De Catarina Pires