Press Room: June 19

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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann

19 June

This page will be updated throughout the day.

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Those who are tempted to attend a political rally should re-read the summary of COVID Reference’s Transmission chapter:

  1. It appears that a high percentage (as high as 80%?) of secondary transmissions could be caused by a small fraction of infectious individuals (as low as 10%?; Endo 2020); if this is the case, then the more people are grouped together, the higher the probability that a superspreader is part of the group.
  2. It also appears that aerosol transmission might play an important role in SARS-CoV-2 transmission (Prather 2020); if this is the case, then building a wall around this same group of people and putting a ceiling above them further enhances the probability of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  3. It finally appears that shouting and speaking loudly emits thousands of oral fluid droplets per second which could linger in the air for minutes (Anfinrud 2020, Stadnytskyi 2020, Chao 2020, Asadi 2019); if this is the case, then creating noise (machines, music) around people grouped in a closed environment would create the perfect setting for a superspreader event.

Stay away from mass gatherings.


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N Engl J Med

A Look at SARS-CoV-2 Transmission – Audio Interview (20:18) | The continuing spread of SARS-CoV-2 remains a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. What physicians need to know about transmission, diagnosis, and treatment of Covid-19 is the subject of ongoing updates from infectious disease experts at the Journal. The editors discuss the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of Covid-19, looking at new evidence from Iceland and from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. – By Eric Rubin and Lindsey Baden.



Scathing COVID-19 book from Lancet editor — rushed but useful | Richard Horton skewers leaders in two of the richest, most powerful and scientifically advanced countries for getting it so wrong. – By Stephen Buranyi


The Guardian

Anxiety in Beijing as officials battle new coronavirus outbreak | Chinese capital abruptly imposes lockdowns after fresh cases threaten official narrative of success – By Lily Kuo

L’amour is in the air again as French kissing returns on-screen | Culture minister announces smooching is back on film sets as cinemas reopen in France – By Agence France-Presse in Paris

Air travel during the pandemic: what should I know – and how safe is it? | As many countries begin to ease travel restrictions, we spoke to three experts for their views on the risks of travelling by plane – By Aditi Malhotra

Coronavirus: 13-day-old baby becomes one of UK’s youngest victims | Newborn with no underlying health conditions among 135 newly reported deaths – By Caroline Davies

Mallorca welcomes a more sedate breed of German tourist | As the first holidaymakers return to Spain, the closure of bars and clubs means partygoers are keeping away – By Julia Macher

African countries drop Covid-19 curbs in effort to limit economic harm | Fragile economies relax measures despite rapid rise in infections on continent – By Jason Burke

UK society regressing back to 1950s for many women, warn experts | Inequality has worsened during lockdown, says study, with women saddled with more not less childcare – By Hannah Summers

The end of tourism? | The pandemic has devastated global tourism, and many will say ‘good riddance’ to overcrowded cities and rubbish-strewn natural wonders. Is there any way to reinvent an industry that does so much damage? – By Christopher de Bellaigue

Stranded at sea: the crew members trapped on cruise ships | Podcast | Guardian US reporter Erin McCormick describes why thousands of crew are still stranded on cruise ships after coronavirus bought the industry to a standstill in March. Will Lees describes how it took him 82 days to get back to Canada while Perry, who hasn’t had a salary since March, is still stuck and doesn’t know when he will get home to his family in Mauritius.

‘Enter through the back door’: secret church services in Mexico and Brazil defy Covid-19 rules | Thousands of worshippers sneak in to invitation-only assemblies organized like illegal dance parties, despite rising death tolls – By Analy Nuño in Guadalajara and Caio Barretto Briso.


The New York Times

You May Have Antibodies After Coronavirus Infection. But Not for Long. | Antibodies to the virus faded quickly in asymptomatic people, scientists reported. That does not mean immunity disappears. – By Apoorva Mandavilli

How to Deal With Public Bathrooms During Coronavirus | When they’ve gotta go, they’ve gotta go. Here’s how parents can minimize the risk. – By Katharine Gammon

What It Takes to Reopen a Small Business Right Now | Masks are just the start. Entrepreneurs around the U.S. are figuring out what to do as they go, and hoping that they can make it work. – By Amy Haimerl

A Tidal Wave of Bankruptcies Is Coming | Experts foresee so many filings in the coming months that the courts could struggle to salvage the businesses that are worth saving. –By Mary Williams Walsh

‘There Is No Work Here’: Migrant Workers, Some Sick, Head North | The coronavirus is moving through Florida’s agricultural communities just as laborers began to migrate north for the harvest. – By Patricia Mazzei

For Canadian Doctor, the Virus Came With Stigma | A doctor who traveled across a provincial border has been accused of igniting a coronavirus outbreak. ​ ​​But some say his treatment highlights the danger of scapegoating individuals. – By Catherine Porter


The Washington Post


Die Zeit

Großbritannien gibt Entwicklung von Tracing-App auf | Die britische Regierung wird doch keine eigene Corona-Warn-App entwickeln. Der Start des Programms war für den Mai geplant und seitdem mehrfach verschoben worden.

Palma post Corona | Auf Mallorca probt Spanien den Neustart für den Tourismus. Nicht alle Einheimischen finden das gut. Wir haben die ersten Post-Corona-Urlauber aus Deutschland begleitet. – Von Julia Macher.

Erneut ein ganzes Hochhaus unter Quarantäne | In Göttingen ist es in einem weiteren Wohnkomplex zu einem Corona-Ausbruch gekommen. Betroffen sind 700 Bewohner, etwa 100 wurden positiv auf Covid-19 getestet.


Der Spiegel

Coronavirus in Abwasserproben von Dezember gefunden | Vermutlich zirkulierte Covid-19 schon vergangenes Jahr in Europa. Italienische Forscher haben nun ein weiteres Indiz dafür gefunden: Das Virus wurde in Abwasserproben nachgewiesen – die im Dezember genommen wurden.




Ferien ohne Freude |  Im ersten Bundesland Deutschlands beginnen heute die Sommerferien, doch der Reisebranche ist nicht zum Feiern zu Mute. Die EU-Staaten beraten indes über ein Corona-Wiederaufbaupaket. Alles Wichtige im F.A.Z.-Newsletter. – Von Jessica von Blazekovic

Ein Massenausbruch als Laborversuch | Auf den Corona-Ausbruch bei Tönnies reagiert der Landkreis mit drastischen Maßnahmen. Für die Forschung könnte er aufschlussreiche Daten bringen – als Versuchsanordnung unter Idealbedingungen. – Von Reiner Burger



El País

Ser docente en tiempos de pandemia | Tres profesores y lectores de EL PAÍS cuentan el papel que ha desempeñado su gremio durante la crisis del coronavirus – De Denís Galocha y Francisco Gómez Bernal

La Comunidad estudia mantener aforos limitados en el interior de restaurantes, bares o comercios | El Ejecutivo de Díaz Ayuso decide este viernes cómo será la fase final de la desescalada en Madrid – De Juan José Mateo

Las lecciones del brote alemán | Expertos consultados coinciden en que los nuevos repuntes son inevitables. Lo importante es estar preparados – De Emilio de Benito

Síntomas inespecíficos y PCR negativas: así sortea el coronavirus los sistemas de vigilancia | La Generalitat rastrea la comarca de La Garrotxa en Girona por un brote con 33 casos que tardó 10 días en identificar – De Oriol Güell

La otra brecha que destapó la pandemia | El confinamiento pone de manifiesto las diferencias en el seno de la UE en el ámbito digital – De Antonio Pita

Estudiar siendo un niño refugiado en la ‘era covid’ | De los más de siete millones de jóvenes en campos de desplazados o en situación de emergencia en edad escolar, casi la mitad no va a la escuela, un refugio seguro y libre de violencia para muchos – De Belén Hernández

El grupo sanguíneo A aumenta el riesgo del coronavirus; el 0 lo disminuye | Un estudio con 1.980 pacientes encuentra seis genes asociados a la gravedad de la enfermedad – De Emilio de Benito

China da por controlado el brote de coronavirus en Pekín | El epidemiólogo jefe del Centro de Control de Enfermedades, Wu Zunyou, considera que el pico se alcanzó el sábado pasado – De Macarena Vidal Liy

Los fulani de Senegal, acosados además por el coronavirus | Las restricciones por la pandemia han cerrado los mercados y el movimiento regional en África. Como resultado, comunidades pastoralistas tienen problemas para trasladarse a mejores tierras de pasto y a lugares con acceso a agua – De John Wessels



Le Monde

« Nombre de pays pauvres livrent une double bataille : contre le Covid-19 et contre la récession venue du Nord »  | Le virus touche à des degrés divers les pays en voie de développement, mais il détruit à peu près partout leurs finances publiques. – De Alain Frachon (Édition abonnés)



Diário de Notícias

A covid-19 provocou mortes colaterais? Investigadores dizem que sim, mas não sabem as causas | Equipa da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública afirmam que nas últimas seis semanas foram registadas mais 800 mortes do que o esperado, mais de metade dessas provocadas por outras causas que não a covid-19. Na última semana, os óbitos desceram para o valor esperado para esta altura do ano. – De Sofia Neves