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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann
12 June
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The Guardian
No ‘patient zero’ as Covid-19 came into UK at least 1,300 times | Study prompts further criticism that chances to suppress infection early in outbreak were missed – By Hannah Devlin
Covid-19 studies based on flawed Surgisphere data force medical journals to review processes | New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet peer reviewers did not see raw data behind findings before publication – Melissa Davey
India’s coronavirus agony: ‘I did everything to save my wife and baby’ | Pregnant woman turned away from eight hospitals as pandemic pushes healthcare to brink of collapse – By Hannah Ellis-Petersen and Amrit Dhillon
The New York Times
Coronavirus Can Set Off a ‘Cytokine Storm.’ These Drugs May Calm It. | At least a dozen treatments are being evaluated for virus patients whose immune systems go on the attack. – By Apoorva Mandavilli.
Covid-19 Patient Gets Double Lung Transplant, Offering Hope for Others | The operation is believed to be the first of its kind in the U.S. The patient, a woman in her 20s, had been healthy, but the coronavirus devastated her lungs. – By Denise Grady.
Regeneron Begins Human Testing of COVID-19 Antibody Cocktail | Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc on Thursday said it has begun human testing of its experimental antibody cocktail as a treatment for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
The Washington Post
Lots of us are infected by the coronavirus — and don’t know it. Here’s what that means. – By Daniel P. Oran and Eric J. Topol.
Can old vaccines from science’s medicine cabinet ward off coronavirus? | Researchers think tuberculosis and polio vaccines could rev up the body’s innate immune system against a new pathogen – By Carolyn Y. Johnson and Steven Mufson.
Amid pandemics and protests, is Britain facing its worst economy since the Great Frost of 1709? | The economic chaos wrought by the coronavirus pandemic in the United States has brought comparison to the financial hardships of World War II and the Great Depression of the 1930s. – By Adam Taylor.
El País
La hidroxicloroquina fracasa como método para prevenir la covid-19, según el ensayo de Oriol Mitjà | El estudio revela que no hay diferencias significativas a la hora de contraer la dolencia entre los contactos sanos que consumieron el fármaco antipalúdico y los que no lo tomaron – De Jessica Mouzo
Los turistas alemanes vuelven a Baleares y sin cuarentena: ya hay 47 vuelos programados a partir del lunes | El BOE publica las condiciones de la ruta turística que permitirá viajar hasta a 10.900 viajeros y exige que la región esté al menos en fase 3 – De Hugo Gutiérrez
Cámaras térmicas y formularios electrónicos. Así será el control de la siguiente gran amenaza: los casos importados | 104 personas infectadas con el coronavirus han llegado a España desde el extranjero en el último mes – De Pablo Linde
Las farmacéuticas alertan de que no hay capacidad industrial para fabricar la vacuna del coronavirus | La patronal mundial avanza que serán necesarias 15.000 millones de dosis. Advierte de que no existen tampoco plantas suficientes de viales.
Le Monde
Coronavirus : au cœur de la bataille immunitaire contre le virus | « Le Monde » a reconstitué la façon dont ce virus, le SARS-CoV-2, prend principalement place dans l’organisme, et pourquoi il est redoutable chez certains patients. – Par Gary Dagorn et Agathe Dahyot
Les Etats-Unis peinent à faire refluer la « première vague » | Avec en moyenne 800 victimes du Covid-19 par jour, le pays, désormais presque totalement déconfiné, compte plus de 113 700 victimes. – Par Stéphanie Le Bars
Uso generalizado de máscaras e confinamento intermitente podem evitar segunda vaga | Investigadores defendem que a utilização generalizada de máscaras e períodos intercalados de confinamento são a chave para diminuir o contágio e impedir novas vagas de infecção. De José Volta e Pinto