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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann
10 June
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The Guardian
10 June. EU says China behind ‘huge wave’ of Covid-19 disinformation | Brussels shifts position by accusing Beijing for first time of running false campaigns – By Jennifer Rankin.
10 June. ‘Are you immune?’ The new class system that could shape the Covid-19 world | Experts suspect – but there is no proof – that antibodies will confer immunity. The implications could be wide-ranging – By Miranda Bryant.
10 June. Looming recession poses second global embarrassment for UK | First coronavirus, now the OECD says Britain will top the developing world’s recession league table. Here’s why – By Larry Elliott.
10 June. Surgisphere: mass audit of papers linked to firm behind hydroxychloroquine Lancet study scandal | Questions continue for Surgisphere and CEO Sapan Desai as universities deny knowledge of links to firm behind Lancet’s now-disputed blockbuster study – By Melissa Davey and Stephanie Kirchgaessner.
9 June. Fauci: coronavirus pandemic that ‘took over the planet’ is far from over | US’s top infectious disease expert calls virus his ‘worst nightmare’ as 7 million people have been infected and 400,000 have died – By Dominic Rushe.
9 June. Podcast, 24 minutes. Is British theatre about to go out of business? | Every year, 34 million people go to the theatre, double the number that attend Premier League football. But lockdown and physical distancing rules mean the industry is on the edge of collapse. The artistic director of the Pitlochry theatre, Elizabeth Newman, describes the impact – Presented by Anushka Asthana with Elizabeth Newman and L Lanre Bakare, produced by Elizabeth Cassin and Axel Kacoutié, executive producers Nicole Jackson and Phil Maynard.
3 June. Cafe culture returns to France after lockdown – in pictures | In Paris, contented customers sit outside cafes and sip their morning espressos for the first time in 11 weeks. There are, however, strict rules: bars and restaurants have permission to sprawl across pavements but tables must be 1m apart. In the rest of France, customers can now be served inside while maintaining the same distance.
The New York Times
9 June. Fauci Warns That the Coronavirus Pandemic Is Far From Over | The nation’s leading infectious disease expert tells biotech executives that Covid-19 has inflicted global damage, exposing worrisome racial disparities – By Denise Grady.
9 June. 5 Rules to Live By During a Pandemic | There’s no playbook for living through a pandemic, so we decided to create one. With some basic rules to guide you, everyone can lower risk and live a full life while we wait for the virus to get under control – By Tara Parker-Pope.
10 June. Updated: Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker – By Jonathan Corum and Carl Zimmer.
10 June. Threat of Military Action Rattles Brazil as Virus Deaths Surge | As Brazil reels from its worst crisis in decades, President Bolsonaro and his allies are using the prospect of military intervention to protect his grip on power – By Simon Romero, Letícia Casado and Manuela Andreoni.
8 June. When 511 Epidemiologists Expect to Fly, Hug and Do 18 Other Everyday Activities Again | Many epidemiologists are already comfortable going to the doctor, socializing with small groups outside or bringing in mail, despite the coronavirus. But unless there’s an effective vaccine or treatment first, it will be more than a year before many say they will be willing to go to concerts, sporting events or religious services. And some may never greet people with hugs or handshakes again – By Margot Sanger-Katz, Claire Cain Miller and Quoctrung Bui
The Washington Post
Die Zeit
Der Spiegel
10 Juni. US-Nationalgarde meldet Infektionen mit Coronavirus | Hunderttausende Demonstranten sind auf den Straßen der USA unterwegs – teils ohne Abstand oder Schutzmaske. Nun werden rund um die Proteste erste Infektionen mit Corona bekannt. Aber auf der Gegenseite.
10 Juni. Krankenkassen kündigen schnelle Einführung von Massentests an | Um das Virus einzudämmen, braucht es möglichst viele Tests. Bisher jedoch blieben viele Kapazitäten ungenutzt. Jetzt soll massenhaft getestet werden – nur die Finanzierung wirft noch Fragen auf.
El País
9 junio. Se busca, se ofrece empleada doméstica con certificado de haber pasado la covid-19 | En el sector del empleo doméstico algunos trabajadores que han pasado la enfermedad comienzan a destacarlo en sus anuncios – De Lucía Franco.
9 junio. Lecciones para la pandemia del hombre que ayudó a erradicar un virus en mula | El octogenario virólogo Rafael Nájera, veterano de la campaña de la polio de 1963, se recupera tras sufrir la covid-19 y perder a su esposa – De Manuel Ansede.
Le Monde
10 juin. Les discours antivaccins, bien implantés en France, ont redoublé de vigueur avec la crise sanitaire | Laurent-Henri Vignaud, historien spécialiste des mouvements « antivax », fait le bilan de trois mois de rumeurs sur les vaccins, en pleine crise du Covid-19 – Propos recueillis par William Audureau.
10 de Junho. Covid-19: Casos em Lisboa aumentam por causa do desconfinamento e porque se está a testar mais | “Temos que estar muito alerta e reforçar que não estamos a voltar à normalidade do passado”, defende a directora da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública. Há vários indicadores em cima da mesa, uns mais positivos e outros mais negativos, diz – De Alexandra Campos.
9 de Junho. Há sete dias que os casos activos de covid-19 estão a aumentar em Portugal | Desde 2 de Junho que o número de pessoas infectadas com o novo coronavírus está a aumentar de forma ligeira. Esta terça-feira, há mais de 12 mil portugueses com infecção activa, metade dos que existiam a 15 de Maio – De Sofia Neves.