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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann
6 July
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The Guardian
Tom Hanks on surviving coronavirus: ‘I had crippling body aches, fatigue and couldn’t concentrate’ | The world’s most relatable megastar talks about his Covid-19 experience, his fears for the future, and whether he’s really just so gosh darned nice – By Hadley Freeman and Tom Hanks
Nick Cordero: Broadway star dies aged 41 of coronavirus complications | Tony-nominated actor spent more than 90 days in hospital and had his right leg amputated
Residents in Melbourne Covid-19 tower lockdown say food supplies have been inadequate | Residents angry at Victoria health department for failing to deliver supplies, providing out-of-date food and sending pork to Muslim families – By Matilda Boseley
Why the Covid-19 financial crisis will leave lasting scars on Gen Z | The effects of this economic downturn will likely be felt for years as people born between 1997 and 2012 try to start careers and build savings with an economy that was struck to rubble – By Lauren Aratani
Britain beyond lockdown: what we learned from two weeks on the road | People do not want to go back to the way things were, but the good intentions could fade without the right leadership – By Jonathan Watts Global
Remote working is not going away: who wins and loses when workers stay home? | Australians have embraced remote working, and so have big businesses, but work-life balance for some is ‘a prison’ for others – By Antoun Issa
The lesson of the Covid-19 care homes tragedy: renationalising is no longer taboo | Offshore corporates and cash-strapped councils have hit the sector’s ability to cope in a crisis, with devastating results – By Ros Altmann
One thing I hope we learn from the Covid-19 crisis: experience counts | During UK lockdown it’s become clear that our society is ill-equipped to serve older people – or to learn from them – By Stefan Stern
Hollywood stars to be exempt from UK’s coronavirus quarantine rules | Mission Impossible’s Tom Cruise among key personnel who can resume filming as part of a drive to kickstart film production in the UK – By Andrew Pulver
WHO underplaying risk of airborne spread of Covid-19, say scientists | Open letter says there is emerging evidence of potential for aerosol transmission – By Hannah Devlin
Scientists investigate cases of post-Covid-19 fatigue | Some sufferers report long-term symptoms such as difficulty concentrating and aching muscles – By Hannah Devlin
The New York Times
The Fullest Look Yet at the Racial Inequity of Coronavirus | Racial disparities in who contracts the virus have played out in big cities like Milwaukee and New York, but also in smaller metropolitan areas like Grand Rapids, Mich., where the Bradleys live. Those inequities became painfully apparent when Ms. Bradley, who is Black, was wheeled through the emergency room. – By Richard A. Oppel Jr., Robert Gebeloff, K.K. Rebecca Lai, Will Wright and Mitch Smith
As the Virus Surged, Florida Partied. Tracking the Revelers Has Been Tough. | With the coronavirus exploding, trying to trace the contacts of every positive case has become unrealistic in Florida, especially among elusive partygoers. – By Patricia Mazzei
Are Protests Unsafe? What Experts Say May Depend on Who’s Protesting What | Public health experts decried the anti-lockdown protests last spring as dangerous gatherings in a pandemic. Health experts seem less comfortable doing so now that the marches are against racism. – By Michael Powell
Die Zeit
Der Spiegel
Praktikantin in der Coronakrise: “Das Virus hat meine Pläne ruiniert” | Blanca Monni machte gerade ein Praktikum in Berlin, als Corona ausbrach. Die Italienerin flüchtete in ihre Heimat – und arbeitete drei Monate lang im Homeoffice. – Von Maximilian Senff
Kampf um die Maske | Keine Maske zu tragen, ist zum Erkennungsmerkmal für Donald Trumps Anhänger geworden. Der US-Präsident hat den Kampf gegen das Coronavirus ohne Not politisiert – und kann ihn deshalb nicht mehr gewinnen. – Von Ralf Neukirch,
Bloß keine Amerikaner | Sardinien ist auf den Tourismus angewiesen, doch aus Angst vor Corona bleiben viele Besucher weg. Die Branche wünscht sich eine überschaubare, zahlungskräftige Kundschaft. Aber offenbar nicht aus jedem Land. – Von Matthias Rüb
Die neue Virus-Angst in Australien | „Down Under“ schien die Lage schon im Griff zu haben. Nun gibt es in Victoria mehrere neue Covid-19-Infektionen. Ein Nachbar-Bundesstaat hat die Grenze geschlossen. Und in Melbourne stehen Blöcke mit Sozialwohnungen unter Lockdown. – Von Till Fähnders
El País
Última hora de la COVID-19, 6 Jul | Últimas noticias del coronavirus, en directo | La tercera oleada del estudio de prevalencia mantiene en un 5,2% el porcentaje de españoles contagiados | Sanidad: “Se acabó el estado de alarma pero los brotes nos indican que tenemos que ser muy prudentes” | España mantiene el confinamiento de unas 300.000 personas en Cataluña y Galicia | Pedro Sánchez se reúne a mediodía en Lisboa con el primer ministro de Portugal, António Costa
Mapa de los brotes: un cambio de fase, dos confinamientos y dos edificios en cuarentena | Las comunidades autónomas toman medidas variopintas para frenar los repuntes. No todas publican la misma información – De Pablo Linde
Un foco de coronavirus en Ordizia con siete positivos obliga a cerrar una zona de bares | Decenas de personas guardan cola para someterse a pruebas PCR este lunes en la localidad guipuzcoana – De Mikel Ormazabal
Le Monde
Diário de Notícias
“Depois do coronavírus, Lisboa vai livrar-se dos Airbnb”, afirma Medina | Num artigo de opinião publicado no jornal britânico The Independent, o autarca Fernando Medina afirma “querer trazer a vida da cidade para o centro”.
Cientistas alertam OMS que o covid pode transmitir-se pelo ar | Em carta aberta, 239 investigadores de 32 países vão apelar à Organização Mundial de Saúde para alterar as suas recomendações no que diz respeito à forma de proteção contra o novo coronavírus.
Há hospitais à beira do colapso nos EUA. Florida e Texas com recorde de casos | O autarca de Miami culpa a reabertura dos bares e restaurantes pelo aumento dos novos casos da doença. Trinta estados relataram um aumento de infeções nas últimas duas semanas.
Estrela da Broadway morre após 95 dias de luta contra a covid | O ator Nick Cordero, de 41 anos, já precisara de um duplo transplante pulmonar para recuperar da doença, o que o levou a entrar em coma e a amputarem-lhe uma perna. Não teria problemas médicos anteriores.
Corriere della Sera
Coronavirus, ecco come e perché la Lombardia è stata travolta | Comporre la foto prima dell’incidente. Questo è l’obiettivo ambizioso delle équipe del Niguarda di Milano guidata da Carlo Federico Perno e del San Matteo di Pavia con Fausto Baldanti. La data che segna la storia dell’Italia è il 20.2.2020 alle ore 20, quando all’ospedale di Codogno viene diagnosticato il primo caso di Covid-19. – Di Milena Gabanelli e Simona Ravizza