Press Room: July 3

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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann

3 July

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N Engl J Med

Are U.S. Hospitals Still “Recession-proof”? | The U.S. health care industry has often been referred to as “recession-proof.” Historically, this characterization has held true. – By Ben Teasdale and and Kevin A. Schulman.



COVID-19 in health-care workers in three hospitals in the south of the Netherlands: a cross-sectional study | 10 days after the first reported case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the Netherlands (on Feb 27, 2020), 55 (4%) of 1497 health-care workers in nine hospitals located in the south of the Netherlands had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. We aimed to gain insight in possible sources of infection in health-care workers. – By Sikkema RS et al.

Neurological associations of COVID-19 | The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is of a scale not seen since the 1918 influenza pandemic. Although the predominant clinical presentation is with respiratory disease, neurological manifestations are being recognised increasingly. – By Ellul LA et al.

Emergence of Kawasaki disease related to SARS-CoV-2 infection in an epicentre of the French COVID-19 epidemic: a time-series analysis | Kawasaki disease is an acute febrile systemic childhood vasculitis, which is suspected to be triggered by respiratory viral infections. We aimed to examine whether the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is associated with an increase in the incidence of Kawasaki disease. – By Ouldali L et al.

Ethnic and regional variations in hospital mortality from COVID-19 in Brazil: a cross-sectional observational study | Brazil ranks second worldwide in total number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. Understanding the possible socioeconomic and ethnic health inequities is particularly important given the diverse population and fragile political and economic situation. We aimed to characterise the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil and assess variations in mortality according to region, ethnicity, comorbidities, and symptoms. – By Baqui P et al.


Ann Intern Med

How to Safely Reopen Colleges and Universities During COVID-19: Experiences From Taiwan | Reopening colleges and universities during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic poses a special challenge worldwide. Taiwan is one of the few countries where schools are functioning normally.From Cheng SY et al.



Coronapod: The state of the pandemic, six months in | Podcast, 32:05 | Lockdowns are lifting but global infections are still rising. We take stock as we enter the next chapter of the outbreak. By Noah Baker, Amy Maxmen & Benjamin Thompson



One U.K. trial is transforming COVID-19 treatment. Why haven’t others delivered more results? | A World Health Organization–led global trial of treatments for COVID-19 was slow to enroll coronavirus-infected people, like this one in a Spanish intensive care unit, whereas a large trial in the United Kingdom quickly produced results for three treatments. – By Kai Kupferschmidt

The global AIDS meeting, the Woodstock of science gatherings, goes virtual amid COVID-19 | The International AIDS Conference gathers scientists, health workers, celebrities, and activists. Can that eclectic mix now come together online? – Jon Cohen


The Guardian

LA’s Covid-19 ‘explosion’: overwhelmed hospitals, struggling workers, shuttered restaurants | The county has brought back restrictions, compounding challenges for the region’s most vulnerable residents – Sam Levin in Los Angeles

What we’re learning about coronavirus as cases surge after US states reopen | Many states are pausing – or even reversing – plans to reopen as the US reports record-high numbers of coronavirus cases – By Danielle Renwick

The Guardian view on protecting the public: cover your face | Scotland is right to mandate masks or similar coverings in shops. Wearing them can save lives

‘I’m cautiously optimistic’: Imperial’s Robin Shattock on his coronavirus vaccine | Team is using new approach that could be cheap and scalable and become the norm within five years – By Sarah Boseley Health

Fourth of July celebrations increase risk of ‘superspreader’ events, experts warn | Officials prevent municipal gatherings in effort to slow spread | Experts urge Americans at barbecues to follow health guidelines – By Adam Gabbatt in New

Ocean swimming has been my greatest discovery of the coronavirus pandemic | Getting into the ocean every morning has been a reminder of what a tiny speck I am on this planet – By Alison Rourke

Forget any false sense of security: we are still at the start of the global pandemic | Until every country is protected, we are all at risk. Only effective vaccines and treatments will allow us to eradicate coronavirus – Jeremy Farrar

I am a paramedic working for NHS test and trace but I’ve yet to make a single call | I am being paid to sit and refresh my computer screen every 15 minutes. The ‘world-beating’ system is a shambles – As told to Sarah Johnson

Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 dice are loaded against our struggling towns | The pandemic is about to get even more socially divisive, with people in the least economically resilient areas at most risk – Gaby Hinsliff


The New York Times

Seriously, Just Wear Your Mask | This is not complicated, folks. – By Jesse Wegman

Florida, America’s Pandemic Playground | Need a venue for a large indoor gathering — a national political convention, say? The state’s got you covered. – By Michelle Cottle

Trump’s Virus Is Spreading, and His Economy Is Stalling | The president leads a transition to sickness. – By Paul Krugman

For This Fourth of July, Officials Say Celebrate Freedom by Staying Home | As the nation staggers toward a holiday weekend during the coronavirus pandemic, health officials are pleading with residents to not make a bad situation worse. – By Richard Fausset, Mitch Smith and Sabrina Tavernise



Die Zeit

EU erteilt bedingte Zulassung für Remdesivir | Schwer erkrankte Covid-19-Patienten sollen in der EU mit dem Wirkstoff behandelt werden können – unter bestimmten Auflagen. Deutschland hat bereits Vorräte angelegt.

Die Unfähigkeit der autoritären Männer | Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Wladimir Putin: Sie erscheinen in der Krise handlungsunfähig. Killt das Virus den Rechtspopulismus? Nein. Aber es zeigt dessen Schwächen. – Von Michael Thumann

US-Studenten stecken sich offenbar absichtlich mit Coronavirus an | In Alabama haben Studenten Partys organisiert, zu denen sie angeblich positiv getestete Personen einluden. Es sei darum gegangen, wer das Virus zuerst bekomme.


Der Spiegel

“Wir werden nichts schließen” | In den Südstaaten der USA steigen die Corona-Zahlen in bedrohlicher Geschwindigkeit. Doch vor allem Florida weigert sich, die Auflagen wieder zu verschärfen. Düstere Eindrücke aus dem “Sunshine State”. – Von Marc Pitzke



Texas ordnet Maskenpflicht an | Kehrtwende um 180 Grad: Der republikanische Gouverneur von Texas reagiert auf die rasant steigenden Infektionszahlen. Nun will er doch eine Maskenpflicht in seinem Bundesstaat einführen.

Amerikas zweite Welle | Noch nie haben die Gesundheitsbehörden der Vereinigten Staaten seit Ausbruch der Pandemie so viele Neuansteckungen gemeldet. Modellstudien sagen düstere Prognosen für die nächsten Monate vorher.

Amerikaner bereut öffentlich Partybesuch – und stirbt einen Tag später | Nach monatelanger Isolation will ein Mann aus Florida mit Freunden grillen. Dort infiziert er sich mit dem Coronavirus. Einen Tag, bevor er stirbt setzt er noch einen reumütigen Post bei Facebook ab.

Blick nach vorn | Das Virus hat das Leben überall auf der Welt verändert, in jedem Land ein bisschen anders, aber die Bedrohung war global. Wir haben Fotografen aus zwölf Ländern um ein Bild gebeten, das am besten ausdrückt, wie sie jetzt nach vorne schauen.  – Von Nikita Teryoshin, Deutschland



El País

La gravedad de los casos de coronavirus desciende por la juventud de los que se contagian | El porcentaje de hospitalizados baja al 8% cuando hace dos meses era casi del 25% y la edad media, antes de 60, ronda ahora los 50 años – De Elena G. Sevillano



Le Monde

En 2018, les fermetures de lit en hôpital se sont poursuivies avec près 4 200 lits supprimés | Le nombre de maternités est passé sous le seuil des 500. Le rapport de la Drees illustre aussi le « virage ambulatoire » des soins hospitaliers, avec une hausse des hospitalisations partielles.

Coronavirus : l’Afrique joue la prudence sur la réouverture de ses frontières | La pandémie n’a pas encore atteint son pic sur le continent. Chacun des pays, très diversement touchés par le Covid-19, édicte ses propres règles. – Par Sandrine Berthaud-Clair



Diário de Notícias

Número significativo da população com imunidade natural ao vírus? | Investigador de Oxford diz que células T podem ser as responsáveis por bloquear os vírus em pessoas assintomáticas, reforçando a teoria de que a imunidade de grupo pode já ser nesta altura maior do que se pensa

Quase 40% dos restaurantes tenciona avançar para insolvência | “Esmagadora maioria refere que não irá conseguir suportar os encargos habituais, como pessoal, energia, fornecedores e outros, a partir do mês de julho”, diz associação do setor.

Itália admite segunda vaga e defende restrições a viagens | Itália abriu na terça-feira fronteiras aos viajantes de países que não integram o espaço europeu de livre circulação Schengen, mas com restrições.