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By Bernd Sebastian Kamps
& Christian Hoffmann
2 July
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N Engl J Med
A 62-Year-Old Woman with Early Breast Cancer during the Covid-19
Four Decades of HIV/AIDS — Much Accomplished, Much to Do | The dramatic saga of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) features an early sense of helplessness and frustration in the face of a mysterious new disease, courage on the part of the afflicted, and the gradual accrual of groundbreaking scientific advances that have brought hope to a formerly desperate situation. – By Anthony S. Fauci and H. Clifford Lane.
Accelerating Development of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines — The Role for Controlled Human Infection Models | The third coronavirus outbreak in the past 20 years, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused unprecedented morbidity, mortality, and economic disruption. Safe, effective, and deployable SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are urgently needed to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic and protect from future outbreaks. – By Deming ME et al.
A 62-Year-Old Woman with Early Breast Cancer during the Covid-19 Pandemic | A 62-year-old woman was evaluated at this hospital after she had identified a mass in her left breast, confirmed by her physician on physical examination, during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). – By Spring LM et al.
Early lessons from a second COVID-19 lockdown in Leicester, UK | As the number of new cases of COVID-19 continues to decline in the UK, national lockdown measures are being cautiously relaxed. – By Nazareth J et al.
The Guardian
‘No kissing’: Amsterdam’s red light district reopens after coronavirus shutdown | Sex workers welcome the chance to earn again but with strict rules about face-to-face contact, hygiene and making clients check for symptoms
California rolls back reopening of bars, restaurants and indoor venues | Gavin Newsom’s order, targeting indoor operations of restaurants, cinemas and museums, affects 70% of the population – By Vivian Ho in San Francisco
‘It’s very troubling’: alarm grows over Covid-19 spike among young Americans | Doctors are seeing more and more young patients – and health experts are urging young people to take the virus seriously – By Miranda Bryant
The New York Times
Refusing to Wear a Mask Is Like Driving Drunk | Republicans talk a good game about “personal responsibility.” It’s time for President Trump’s supporters to actually display some. – By Nicholas Kristof
Here’s What Recovery From Covid-19 Looks Like for Many Survivors | Continuing shortness of breath, muscle weakness, flashbacks, mental fogginess and other symptoms may plague patients for a long time. By Pam Belluck
Federal Officials Turn to a New Testing Strategy as Infections Surge | Millions of additional coronavirus tests may be processed with “pooling,” enabling widespread surveillance as the country struggles to reopen. – By Apoorva Mandavilli
Party Guests Won’t Talk After 9 Test Positive. Now They Face Subpoenas. | Rushing to contain a coronavirus cluster tied to a big party in a New York City suburb, officials turned to an unusual legal strategy. By Ed Shanahan
Die Zeit
Es mutiert | Weltweit ist das Erbgut von Sars-CoV-2 schon Hunderte Male mutiert. Wieso verändert sich Virenerbgut und vor allem: Macht das Corona ansteckender und lebensbedrohlicher? – Von Lisa Dinsenbacher
Infektionsrate in USA steigt auf Rekordhoch | Laut der Johns-Hopkins-Universität gibt es in den USA so viele Neuinfektionen an einem Tag wie nie zuvor. Die Regierung plant derweil eine Feier zum Unabhängigkeitstag.
Der Spiegel
El País
Peter Piot: “Solo estamos al comienzo de la pandemia de coronavirus” | El veterano virólogo belga opina que la segunda ola podría adoptar una forma distinta a la primera – De Annette Ekin
Le Monde
L’épidémie de coronavirus s’accélère aux Etats-Unis, avec plus de 50 000 nouveaux cas en 24 heures | Le week-end du 4 juillet, jour de la fête nationale, s’annonce comme un test tout particulier pour le pays, où de nombreux Etats appliquent de nouveau des restrictions.
Diário de Notícias
Imunidade de grupo pode ser maior do que testes mostram, garante estudo sueco | Suécia não recorreu ao confinamento, tendo sido criticada pelo elevado número de casos e mortos devido à covid-19. Estudo conclui que por cada pessoa que testou positivo para anticorpos, duas relevaram ter células T específicas capazes de identificar e destruir as células infetadas com o vírus Sars-Cov-2. – De Isaura Almeida
Portugal com 1579 mortos e 42 454 casos. Mais de 500 internados pela primeira vez desde maio | O boletim epidemiológico da Direção-Geral da Saúde indica que há mais três vítimas mortais face ao dia anterior. 69,7% dos novos casos estão localizados na região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. – De Susete Henriques
Foco de infeção confirmado em fábrica de conservas de Vila do Conde. Empresa continua a funcionar | Um foco de covid-19 foi detetado numa fábrica de conservas em Vila do Conde, após algumas trabalhadoras terem testado positivo ao novo coronavirus, confirmou fonte da Administração Regional de Saúde (ARS) do Norte à agência Lusa. A empresa mantém-se em funcionamento. – De Fábrica Gencoal,